A simple conversion step in the Studio makes certain existing resources to be compatible with the new transformation engine in Clarify. This can be done directly from the Studio's Project Explorer view.
Do all resources require this conversion?
No. When you create resources using the latest Clarify Studio, then by default, you'll be using the new transformation engine, and no conversion will be necessary.
However if you plan to use the new transformation engine with existing resources, certain resources require conversion. These include the Business Process, SQL Access, Application Interface, Ruleset Data Object, and Database Adapter.
Note: The Database Adapter can be compliant with older, newer, or both versions of the engine. Refer to How Database Adapters work with the New Engine for more information.
Conversion does not apply to Version 1 Rulesets. In order to use Rulesets with the new engine, they must be created as Version 2 (the default selection when creating a Ruleset).
To convert a resource:
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