The EEI connector is used to integrate inbound and outbound file transfers with Cleo EEI. The inbox and outbox of each Cleo Harmony host to be integrated with Cleo EEI must point to an instance of this connector.
Only one EEI connector is needed for an integration with Cleo EEI. Consider giving the EEI connector a meaningful name, such as Prod or Test. To use the EEI connector, set the host inbox to EEI:Prod/
and the host outbox to EEI:Prod/partner1
, where Prod is the alias of the connector and partner1 is the trading partner name configured in Cleo EEI. Cleo Harmony allows you to map many EEI partners to one host connection by entering them as a comma-separated list in the Harmony host outbox, for example, EEI:Prod/partner1,partner2,partner3,partner4
. All outbound trading partner files are placed in the same outbound directory identified by the first partner in the list. The first name in the list can actually correspond to what is referred to as a port in EEI. If the trading partner is defined in more than one enabled host outbox, the file is not sent, and EEI is sent an error notification.
When an integrated host receives an inbound file, Harmony attempts to connect with the Cleo EEI server. If the server is unavailable, the transfer fails. When a connection has been established, the data is streamed to the Cleo EEI inbound data queue. For more information on how Cleo EEI processes the data, see the Cleo EEI User Guide.
For outbound data flow, Cleo EEI places data on its outbound data queue. The integrated host's <send>
action can then be scheduled to run either periodically or automatically by polling Cleo EEI. All data for the trading partner name specified in the Cleo EEI connector is then streamed to the trading partner. For more information on how data is sent from Cleo EEI, see the Cleo EEI User Guide.
When migrating a large number of trading partners from ESX, you can transition trading partners in batches either by migrating the associated hosts to Harmony in sets or by initially disabling all of the imported hosts and enabling a set of hosts at a time. When a host is not found or is disabled in Harmony:
- Outbound messages in Cleo EEI are placed on a secondary outbound data queue (EXTESXOUT2) that is processed by ESX. The secondary EXTESXOUT2 outbound data queue should be manually created in the same library as the EXTESXOUT data queue at the beginning of the migration phase and set as the outbound data queue in ESX. The AS/400 command to create the EXTESXOUT2 outbound data queue is:
After the migration is complete, the command to remove the secondary outbound data queue is:
- Inbound AS2 messages for unknown trading partners can be redirected to ESX through Cleo VLProxy (Version 3.6.1 or later) by setting the 'Unknown Partner Message Action' to (U)RL-Redirect and its value to the URL where ESX is installed. See the Cleo VLProxy User Guide for further information.
EEI Connector Properties
Each instance of the EEI Connector can be configured using the following settings:
Property | Description | Required |
AS/400 Address | The IP address of the remote AS/400 where EEI is installed. | Yes |
AS/400 User | The user name for the remote AS/400 where EEI is installed. | Yes |
AS/400 Password | The user password for the remote AS/400 where EEI is installed. | Yes |
Inbound Data Queue | The fully qualified path for the inbound EEI data queue. | |
Outbound Data Queue | The fully qualified path for the outbound EEI data queue. | |
Lock Data Queue | The fully qualified path for the EEI lock queue used to synchronize outbound queue access between multiple VersaLexes. | |
IFS Inbound Path | The IFS path on the remote AS/400 where the inbound files are stored. | |
IFS Outbound Path | The IFS path on the remote AS/400 where the outbound data is stored. | |
Environment Name | An optional EEI environment name. | |
Activate ESX Migration | Enable the ability to use ESX secondary outbound data queue for unknown or disabled | |
Command Retries | The number of times the command should be retried when an error or exception occurs. Valid range: [0-5]. |
Yes |
Command Retry Delay (seconds) | The number of seconds to wait between retries. Valid range: [0-120]. |
Yes |
Store And Forward | A switch that indicates whether or not to store the contents locally when the connector endpoint is down and subsequently forward to the connector endpoint when it is back up. Note: For this feature to work, the Received box must be configured in the host using this Connector and Administration>Other>Disable Date/Time Portion Of Filenames In Sent/Received Box must be unchecked. |
Store And Forward Retry Delay (seconds) | The number of seconds to wait between 'Store And Forward' retries. Valid range: [0-900]. |
Yes |
Do Not Send Zero Length Fies | For PUT, a switch that controls whether to send a file if it is zero-length. | |
Delete Received Zero Length Fies | For GET, a switch that controls whether to remove a received file that is zero-length. | |
Retrieve Directory Sort | For PUT, the sorting options for the list of outbound files. | |
Enable Debug | A switch that indicates whether to perform debug logging. | |
System Scheme Name | The URI scheme name used as a shortcut to this host. Valid pattern: [[a-zA-Z]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9+\-\.[{1.23}] . |
System Public | A switch that indicates whether the connector is public. |
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