The purpose of Business Process B2BCloud_InboundAcknowledgementErrorHandler is to automatically notify the customer and/or trading partner of rejected 997s that were sent by the trading partners.
Configure the Event com.cleo.b2bcloud.core.acknowledgment.InboundAcknowledgementEV within the Inbound Acknowledgement Error Exit Point.
By default, an e-mail will be sent to all e-mail IDs that have been configured in the CustomerAdminEmail Global Variable, whenever a rejected 997 is received.
To configure alerts to trading partners when AK3/AK4 segments are not populated (to determine the cause of FA rejection), then a REFTABLE needs to be created. To do this, run com.cleo.b2bcloud.core.acknowledgment.CreateContactsTableBPS manually once; customer contacts must be added to this table, along with trading partner name and EDI ID.
Note: The email IDs in REFTABLE must be semicolon-separated.
The e-mail IDs that are configured in the CustomerAdminEmail Global Variable will be copied (CC) in the e-mails sent to partners.
Mapping of User Reference 1 is required for each map to display information such as invoice number, purchase order number, etc, in the Ruleset. This is an important component that enables the team to search for documents by using User Reference 1 criteria. See the following example:
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