From time to time, it will be necessary to update the CIC Agent installed on each of your Access Point servers. For optimum performance and security, Cleo recommends that you check for updates monthly to ensure you are using the most up-to-date version of the CIC Agent.
View this short video to see how to update your CIC Agent
Before You Update
The CIC Agent update process takes a full backup of the agent installation directory every time an update is done, and these backups are not deleted by subsequent updates. This means available disk space will decrease each time you update the agent.
The Windows installation directory included in the back up takes about 270MB, not including any log files. On Windows systems, the CIC Agent saves log files in the agent installation directory and they are included in the backup that runs as part of the upgrade. These log files can be as large as 20GB. Before you update, check the size of the agent installation folder and ensure that you have enough disk space for the agent backup.
The Linux installation directory included in the back up takes about 310MB of space.
What version of CIC Agent is installed?
To see what version of the CIC Agent you have installed, go to the Network > Access Point page. This page displays a list of Access Points, including the version of the CIC Agents installed for each Access Point.
For Access Points with multiple Nodes on different versions, the oldest version of all Nodes for that Access Point is displayed. Hover over the Version number to display the versions of all Nodes for the Access Point.
Any Node not on the latest version has a clock icon displayed next to it to indicate it needs to be updated. If you do not see a clock icon next to the agent version number, you are already on the latest version.
How to Update
If one or more of an Access Point's Nodes requires an update, you can update the entire Access Point. If there are multiple Nodes for an Access Point being updated, CIC will update only one Node at a time, leaving the remaining Nodes active and ready to process your files.
To update your CIC Agent:
- On the Network > Access Point, select the Access Point for which you want to update the CIC Agent and click the update button in the upper right. Note that if you have Admin permissions, you might be able to update the agent for all Access Points available on the Network > Access page.
- Confirm that you want to update the CIC Agent. This might take a few minutes as your system needs to download the software and then install it.
CIC Agent Update FAQ
How long will the update take?
Typically, it takes less than 5 minutes. However, the update process does wait for any running jobs to finish before it begins. If there is a large number of jobs active or jobs with large files, the update can take a bit longer.
Will I lose any of my data?
No, data will not be lost during this time. All transactions that require transformation will simply be queued and processed following the agent upgrade. During this time, all transformations will be queued, and when the agent upgrade is complete, processed automatically.
Will my trading partners or I have to stop sending transactions to CIC?
No, there is no need for customers or trading partners to delay activities as CIC will continue to send and receive as normal. However, any integrations requiring transformation will commence following the upgrade. If the Access Point being updated has multiple Nodes, CIC will update them one at a time, leaving at least one available for processing your files.
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