String Append (AppendString)
This task appends a string to the end of another string.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
Result | String | Output | Yes |
String | String | The string to append to. | Yes |
Append | String | The string to be appended. | Yes |
String Append Multiple
The task appends up to 10 values (String, Long, Double, Storage Node).
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
Result | String | The result to be stored in a string variable. | Yes |
Separator | String | Accepts string as input. Optional parameter. Any value assigned to it acts as delimiter. | No |
Value 1 - 10 | String, Long, Double, Storage Node | Accepts string, long, double, and storage node as input. Value 1 and Value 2 are required parameters. The remaining values are optional. When creating this task, only four parameters appear. (Result, Separator, Value1, Value2). Use the available button to add more parameters (limit is 10). Parameters can also be deleted. | Yes |
Example: Input with separator
For these given inputs the output will be This Is An Example of StringAppendMultiple
(Property: Value)
- Result: String Variable
- Separator: " "
- Value1: This
- Value2: Is
- Value3: An
- Value4: Example
- Value5: of StringAppendMultiple
Example: Input without separator
For these given inputs the output will be a24.368bc
(Property: Value)
- Result: String Variable
- Separator:
- Value1: a
- Value2: 2
- Value3: 4.368
- Value4: b
- Value5: c
String - Contains (ContainsString)
This task determines if a string contains a value.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
Result | Boolean | Output | No |
String | String | The string to be searched. | Yes |
Search String | String | The string to search for. | Yes |
Case Sensitive | Boolean | Indicates a case-sensitive search. Default=true. | No |
Convert to String (ConvertDatetoString)
This task converts a date to a string using the given date format.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
Result | String | Output. | Yes |
Date | Date | The date to be modified. | Yes |
Date Format | String | The string format to convert the date to. | Yes |
The resulting string is logged in as an individual log entry in Admin Console>Auditor>Log Entries for the process, along with the input date and the date format. See example below.
Convert Storage Node to String (ConvertStorageNodetoString)
This task converts the specified object to a string representation.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
Storage Node | StorageNode | The object to be converted. | Yes |
Result | String | Output. | Yes |
Character Set Converter (ConvertStorageNodeWithCharset)
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
Source Storage Node | StorageNode | The data to decode. | Yes |
Source Character Set | String, Charset | If left blank, Auto Detection is enabled. | No |
Target Storage Node | StorageNode | Output. | Yes |
Target Character Set | String, Charset | Output. If left blank, UTF-8 Is used. | No |
Auto Detected Character Set | Charset | Output. Retrieves the name of the character set if Auto Detection is used. | No |
Convert To Number (ConvertStringToNumber)
This task converts a numeric string value to a Double data type value.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
Result | Double | Output. | Yes |
String | String | The string to convert. | Yes |
Convert String To StorageNode (ConvertStringToStorageNode)
This task converts a specified string representation to a StorageNode.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
String | String | The string to convert. | Yes |
String | StorageNode | Output. | Yes |
Convert To String (ConvertToString)
This task converts any value into its string form.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
Object | Object | The value to convert. | Yes |
Result | String | Ouput. | Yes |
String Format (FormatString)
This task formats a string.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
Result | String | Output. | Yes |
String | String | The string to be formatted. | Yes |
Format | StringFormattingSpecification | The format to use. Choices are: To Lower Case, To Upper Case, and Trim. | Yes |
This task returns the location in a string of the first occurrence of another string starting at a specified position.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
Result | Long | Output. | Yes |
String | String | The string to search. | Yes |
Search String | String | The string to find. | Yes |
Start Index (default: 1) | Long | Default=1. | Yes |
This task inserts one string into another.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
Result | String | Output. | Yes |
String | String | The string to insert the substring into. | Yes |
Insertion String | String | The substring to be inserted. | Yes |
Insertion Index | Long | The position in the string to insert the substring. | Yes |
This task replaces all matches of a given Regular Expression in a string with a replacement string.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
Result | String | Output. | Yes |
String | String | The string to do the replacement on. | Yes |
Regular Expressions | String | The Regular Expression to match what needs to be replaced. | Yes |
Replacement String | String | The value to replace the matches with. | Yes |
This task computes the length of a string.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
String | String | The string to compute the length of. | Yes |
Result | Long | Output. | Yes |
This task converts all characters in a string to lowercase.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
Result | String | Output. | Yes |
String | String | The string to convert to lowercase. | Yes |
This task converts all characters in a string to uppercase.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
Result | String | Output. | Yes |
String | String | The string to convert to upper case. | Yes |
This task extracts a substring from a string.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
Result | String | Output. | Yes |
String | String | The string to take the substring from. | Yes |
Start Index | Long | The starting index of the substring to be extracted. | Yes |
End Index | Long | When left blank, the end of the string is assumed. | No |
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