Critical (Severity 1)
- Production issue affecting most users and/or trading partners, including system unavailability and data integrity issues with no workaround available.
- Issue causing potentially significant impact on customers’ business results (loss of revenue and/or profitability) – Requires business impact justification from the customer.
- Customer must have 24x7 availability for escalation resolution.
- Customer is willing to do all applicable testing required for resolution.
Major (Severity 2)
- Production functionality is impacted or significant performance degradation is experienced.
- Issue is persistent and affects several users and/or trading partners, and/or major functionality.
- No reasonable workaround available.
- Customer is willing to do all applicable testing required for resolution.
Minor (Severity 3)
- Production or non-production performance issue or bug affecting a small number of users and/or trading partners.
- Short-term workaround is available, but not scalable.
- Inquiry regarding a routine technical issue.
RFI (Request for Information)
- Information requested on application capabilities, navigation, installation or configuration.
ENHC (Enhancement Request)
- Enhancement Requests – Add functionality to the product that does not already exist
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