Cleo Harmony software provides you with a wide variety and combination of file transfer capabilities that allow you to initiate transfers, control your transfers and environment, monitor your file transfer activities, and take actions as appropriate based on your file transfer activities.
Cleo VersaLex is the platform that powers the Cleo family of Secure Data Integration (SDI) products—The Cleo LexiCom® product is a desktop-based client solution for communication with major trading networks. The Cleo VLTrader® product is a server-level solution designed to meet the needs of mid-enterprise organizations. The Cleo Harmony® product is tailored for large enterprise needs. Enterprise capabilities include system monitoring, enhanced business-level dashboards, VLTracker, SNMP traps, dynamic blacklisting, and whitelisting.
What's new in release 5.6
New Cleo Portal features
Cleo Portal and Unify in Portal supports simple ad-hoc data movement between end users. New features were added to Cleo Portal in version 5.6 to streamline sharing and user management. Sharing features have been expandend to include a replacement for the retired Outlook Connector using anonymous links. Users now also have the capability to move, copy, and rename files in Portal. User management enhancements include shared SAML/Local login, two-factor authentication, and expiration dates for access to certain items.
New Connectors
- Azure Blob: Connect with Microsoft's Azure Blob storage.
- GCP Storage: Connect with Google Cloud Platform's file storage containers.
- Router: Route files based on file names and content.
Refreshed Host Tree
The web admin user interface has undergone a transformation to improve usability and responsiveness as well as decrease required resource overhead. In version 5.6, the Host Tree in the web UI is refreshed with a new aesthetic and new options. Users now have the ability to search within hosts, including an advanced search. The Local Listener has been moved out of the Host Tree and can be found in the Administration tile.
Framework enhancements
There have been several enhancements to the framework of the VersaLex product family, including security and performance enhancements. See Fixed issues in version for more information.
Upgrading to version 5.6
- Back up your configuration using the Export functionality. In the web UI, go to Cleo Harmony Import functionality should the need arise. . In the native UI, go to . Performing an Export will save your data in a format that you can import using the
- Make sure your system meets the system requirements for Cleo Harmony version 5.6, as it requires greater resources than earlier versions. 64-bit operating systems are strongly recommended. 32-bit operating systems are supported only for existing customers. All new installs must be 64-bit. Visit and click the System Requirements link for your product.
- Run the Cleo Harmony 5.6 installer to perform an in-place upgrade. Your data and configuration remain intact from the previous version of the Cleo Harmony software.
Upgrade considerations
There are some upgrades made available in version 5.6 that can affect your system in ways you might not anticipate and that you should be aware of.
Cleo Portal custom branding
If you implemented custom branding in Cleo Portal, you might need to modify your implementation before upgrading. Please refer to the product Help section "Customizing Cleo Portal" for instructions on changing custom branding.
Local Listener moved to Administration
In the web admin UI, the Local Listener has moved from the Hosts page to
. The functionality of the Local Listener has not changed from previous releases.ThirdParty database driver .jars removed
The .../lib/secureshare/mysql-connector-java-5.1.25.bin.jar and .../lib/secureshare/sqljdbc4.jar .jars have been removed from the product. While they should not have been used, these files could connect to the configured enterprise database. To ensure enterprise database connectivity, make sure you have the correct JDBC driver .jar for the database in the .../lib/ext/ directory.
VLIncoming database table size changed
The database payload VLIncoming.Filename column size has been increased from 100 to 255.
Update history
The following sections contain descriptions of issues fixed in Version 5.6 and subsequent patch releases:
Fixed issues in version
The following issues are fixed in Version
Bug Fixes – Framework
- Fixed an issue where applying a permanent license from the web admin UI would require a restart for the license to take effect. The license now takes effect immediately.
Bug Fixes – AS2/AS3
- Fixed an issue where a NullPointerException would be logged while processing the signature of a partner's MDN that did not include a signature algorithm or digest algorithm.
Security – Framework
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Fixed an issue where a connector that an administrative user does not have access to could be used as a directory for a User group.
Security – Portal
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Sharing permissions are now required to obtain anonymous download links for files and folders in Portal.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Fixed an issue where personal information was displayed in the developer console when logging into Portal.
Fixed issues in version
The following issues are fixed in Version
Major Enhancements – Framework
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Added a new inbound/outbound Router connector that can be used to route files based on filenames and/or file content. Common routing tokens are natively extracted for EDI (X12, EDIFACT, TRADACOMS) and HL7 files; tokens can be extracted from other text files using regular expressions. Route destinations can be file systems or other connectors, and destination filenames can make use of any of the extracted tokens. Refer to the Info tab within the host connection for more details.
- Cleo Harmony only: Added a new connector to allow communication with Microsoft Azure Blob Storage. Refer to the Info tab within the host for more details.
Major Enhancements – Portal
- Enabled moving, copying, and renaming of files and folders in Cleo Portal.
Enhancements – Framework
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Improved performance when retrieving events through the REST API.
- Reduced the number of times the file system is accessed when resolving a unique filename to increase performance on file systems with high latency.
- Added new Retry All Failed Scheduled Actions property to the panel. When enabled, the scheduler automatically retries actions that fail. Retries occur after the Autosend Restarttime (in minutes) has elapsed. By default, when some actions fail (both autosend and periodic), the user is instructed to correct the action and either run it interactively or restart the schedule. Enable this option to avoid this manual intervention.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Synchronized Cleo VLTrader and Cleo Harmony nodes can now be organized into logical groups that designate how production and backup systems will respond when production systems go offline. Supported group configurations are multiple production/backup groups or one all-production group and one all-backup group. See the Synchronization section of the User's Guide for further details.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Added support for URL parameters in virtual subfolders in Users hosts. Additionally, the %username% macro is supported in the URL parameter. Example:MyHome=Smb:SmbHost?smb.SharePath=//filsvr01/users/home/%username%
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Added a new page in the Web UI allowing administrators to view all Portal users.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Updated the /users/{userId} REST API endpoint to provide more user information. The endpoint /users/{userId} now returns login and sharing information if Unify in Portal is licensed and enabled. Added the endpoint /users for administrators to obtain a list of users they can view.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Added a new design for the VersaLex event logs report.
- Cleo Unify and Cleo Portal: Added option for two-factor authentication for User hosts when Unify in Portal is licensed.
- When a 'New License is available' email is generated, the email now contains all the differences between the active and available license.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Added and properties, allowing client connections to LDAP servers to be negotiated with SSL protocol versions other than the default settings of SSL 3.0 for the minimum value and TLS 1.2 for the maximum value.
- The %date% macro is now supported in default inbox/outbox/sentbox/receivedbox directories defined under the host General tabs and the sentbox and receivedbox archive directories defined under the local user host General tabs. Be careful using the %date% macro in the default outbox because files in the date-stamped outbox subdirectory will not be sent if the send action occurs after midnight. Likewise, archiving entries in the sentbox, receivedbox, sentbox archive and receivedbox archive date-stamped directories will only occur for the current date.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Added ability to Schedule and Unschedule multiple Actions in a single operation on the Web UI Scheduler page.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Changed the behavior in Cleo Portal and the Web admin UI so that a session timeout while logged in with SAML now causes the user to be taken to the same thank you page as when explicitly logging out. The thank you page contains a link to log in again. Previously, a session timeout would cause the user to be taken back through the SAML login flow immediately.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Implemented shortcuts for unscheduling actions on the Web UI Scheduler page.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Added ability to resize and reposition certain dialog boxes in the new Web UI.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Added ability to locate a table row containing the related information displayed in the Information panel.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: The session powering the classic pages in the web admin UI (for example, the Hosts page) is now prevented from timing out while using the non-classic pages. This means that a user will no longer experience delays (identified by the "spinning wheel") when transitioning from the Scheduler, Transfers, Logs, or Administration pages back to the Hosts page or another classic page.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Increased the database payload VLIncoming.Filename column size from 100 to 255.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Added the ability for Cleo VLNavigator users to impersonate other non-administrator users. Added the property Allow User Impersonation to the VLNav connector to permit impersonation of users. See VLNav connector and for more information.
- Improved speed of inbound and outbound PGP and XML encryption (Packaging tab) by increasing buffer size from 1KB to 8KB.
- LexiCom is now supported on IBM i7.3 (AS/400 V7R3). For further information on installation and setup, see the AS/400 Setup and Installation section in the Cleo LexiCom User Guide.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Improved the connector property table editor, adding cloning and search capabilities. Also added a table row editor for larger tables and fields. Additionally, added row order controls for certain connectors.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Added ability to customize the FTP server's SYST command response. See the User's Guide for further details. Note: Cleo VLProxy or later is needed if using Cleo VLProxy.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Added the ability in IP Filters to add an IP or IP range that should never be blacklisted. Note: Cleo VLProxy or later is needed if using Cleo VLProxy.
- Added more debug logging when exceptions occur while the UI is attempting to add a host.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Added File connector support for the inbox, outbox, and home directories when issuing REST requests. Previously, all URI paths containing the 'file:' prefix would be removed so an actual File URI could not be set. The 'file:' prefix in the JSON content should only be used when the URI is an actual File connector; however, the URI path is checked and the 'file:' prefix is removed if the URI is not referencing an actual File connector.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Added functionality for New File and Session End trigger actions to run when files are re-received.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Added the ability to add an action to a Users mailbox through the REST API.
- Added the ability to export CA certificates that contain an OpenPGP or SSH FTP public key.
Enhancements – HTTP
- Added the capability to output specific headers in response to invalid resource paths. Specifying [ALWAYS] at the end of a Web Browser Response Header will include that header in cases where the resource path is invalid. Note: Cleo VLProxy or later is required if using Cleo VLProxy.
Enhancements – AS2/AS3
- Added support for the RSASSA-PSS signature algorithm and RSAES-OAEP key encryption algorithm. These new algorithms can be configured through the new Signature Algorithm and Key Algorithm fields in the AS2 and AS3 mailbox panels and the Local FTP User AS3 panel.
Enhancements – SSH FTP
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: A password is no longer required for a mailbox to be ready in a Users host where only the SSH FTP protocol is enabled and SSH Key authentication is being used.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: A mailbox in a Users host can now be set to require both a password and an SSH key when authenticating.
Enhancements – OFTP
- Added a new Advanced property, Fixed Record Length From OFTP, that, if set, causes EOL characters to be inserted while receiving a file based on the SFIDLRECL value. Note: In order for this property to take effect, the following must be true: Fixed Record EOL Characters must be specified, Fixed Record Incoming Insert EOL must be enabled, and a fixed SFIDFMT format with a positive SFIDLRECL value must be requested by the OFTP trading partner.
Enhancements – MQ
- Added the option to use a default Queue Manager for MQ hosts.
Enhancements – Portal
- Enabled adding and modifying user access expiration dates on shared items.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Added the ability to enable both SAML and local login for Cleo Portal users at the same time.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Updated the /folders and /folders/{folderId}/children responses to return an object called sharing.sharedByType to indicate how the Resource was shared with this user. Renamed the sharing.sharedBy object to sharing.sharedByUser.
- Reduce loading time for initial logins to Portal when Unify in Portal is enabled.
- Made improvements to reduce the time it takes to display the files in a directory through Portal. This is especially evident on folders with a large number of files.
Enhancements – Connector
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Added the ability for the S3 connector to use transfer acceleration with an S3 bucket enabled with accelerate mode.
- Added source deletion monitoring feature to connector hosts.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Added the ability for the S3 connector to use the default credentials provider chain when running VersaLex on an EC2 instance. In this case, if an IAM role is defined, theAccess Key and Secret Access Key properties become optional.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Added a store-and-forward feature that is available when configuring an EEI connector URI as the inbox. When the Store And Forward connector property is enabled and the host's receivedbox is configured, if a failure occurs on an inbound transfer while attempting to access the EEI queue on the AS/400, the receivedbox copy is still completely 'stored' and then 'forwarded' later when the EEI queue is available again. Note: For this feature to work, must be unchecked.
- Added a System Public property for connectors that permits access to a connector from any folder branch.
Bug Fixes – Framework
- Fixed an issue where VersaLex would fail to startup if Authorized Roots was enabled and a connector used itself as a host directory (for example, inbox or outbox).
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Added support for an endpoint at PATCH /actions/{actionId} so that users with view-only permissions on hosts are still able to schedule actions as long they have the permission to edit the schedule.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Fixed an issue where the SQL Query used for UPDATE with functional acknowledgment tracking was not valid when using a Postgres database.
- Removing a host folder from one node now removes it from all other nodes in the synchronization pool.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Fixed an issue where, when EDI tracking was enabled, actions would not complete if there was a large number of spaces at the end of the EDI file.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Fixed an issue where some unused database connections were not being closed causing certain database systems to run out of connections.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Fixed an issue where files containing less-than and greater-than signs could not be properly viewed on the Transfers page in the web admin.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Fixed an issue where triggered actions could be missed when the trigger event happened at the same time as the start of a Scheduler loop.
- Fixed an issue where a Custom LexiComOutgoing Thread Class would not execute properly if VersaLex was running as a service or daemon.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Fixed an issue where a new thread would be created with each SAML request.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Fixed an issue in Portal where anonymous file download links were unable to bypass the login page when SAML mixed mode was enabled.
- Added missing documentation in the User Guide for the -b (backup) command line option.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Fixed an issue where a REST API call for transfers would fail if there were more than 1024 AS2 Async MDN transfers in the results.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Fixed an issue where permissions listed on a Users home directory would be ignored for FTP and SFTP unless either permissions or a virtual file system link were used on a subfolder. Also fixed an issue where resolving the %inbox% and %outbox% macros would expand to include any permissions and/or links specified for those folders.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Fixed an issue where a ConcurrentModificationException was seen intermittently under high load against the VersaLex SOAP web service endpoint.
- Fixed a problem where mailboxes configured to authenticate using Connector Host authentication were unable to login correctly. This problem was introduced in patch
- Fixed a problem that could cause deadlocks to occur, for example, suspended AS2 actions and suspended scheduler processing. This problem was introduced in patch
- Updated the Event Logs' advanced Event Type filter dialog box to fix an issue where response errors were not filtered correctly.
- Fixed an issue where breadcrumbs were not being populated appropriately when displaying Administration User Management features.
- Fixed an issue where using inline filtering could leave the page in an invalid state.
- Fixed an issue where synchronization over HTTP/s could cause performance related issues when there are more than several thousand CA certificates loaded.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Fixed an issue with authentication against Lotus LDAP.
- Fixed an issue where an Access is Denied error was being logged on startup while attempting to read the host files.
- Fixed an issue where a store-and-forward file could remain on the active IO list, causing the trading partner to see an error if the file is resent very quickly (within a few seconds).
- Updated expired SSL and signing/encryption certificate used for Support Bundles and Cleo System Test hosts.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Fixed an issue where a NullPointerException would occur when attempting to log in to the FTP server through LDAP, but the LDAP server was not configured. This issue would only occur when Cleo Harmony/Cleo VLTrader contained a Users host configured to use a VLNav connector.
- Fixed an issue in the UI where the user was blocked from updating a host Inbox/Outbox/Sentbox/Receivedbox setting from an invalid path to a valid path value. This was most often seen when using URI values for the Inbox/Outbox values.
- Fixed an issue where duplicate Email entries were being added when importing a Users host and merging it with an existing Users host.
- Fixed an issue where certain scheduled items could throw a NullPointerException when run on a slave node of a cluster. This would only occur for actions that were not scheduled for autosend. Furthermore, this problem would not block the action from ultimately running, as the master node would recover and run the action.
- Fixed an issue where a remote user would not be able to log in after the host was deleted outside the product and imported again using the same name with a different combination of uppercase and lowercase characters.
- Fixed an issue where an action would get scheduled twice if a host was imported with the same alias as an existing host, but using a different combination of uppercase and lowercase characters.
- Fixed an issue where, when you tried to change the case of any character in a host name from uppercase to lowercase or vice versa, a hidden window would open and cause the service to become locked.
- Fixed an issue where the software update function would not use proxies other than the system default as a forward proxy, even if they are available.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Fixed an issue where the user to be impersonated (typically identified by either email address or username) could not be identified by email address.
- Fixed a problem where a native AS/400 sign-on dialog box could unexpectedly be displayed on the user's computer.
- Fixed an issue where LDAP users configured in Cleo VLNavigator were not able to log into the admin web UI.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Fixed an issue where a PGP certificate would cause an incorrect error message during a certificate expiration check.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Fixed a problem in the Web UI where transfer events were not being sorted correctly.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Fixed an issue where /api/actions would return a NullPointerException after an outbox file is downloaded through the REST API.
- Changed method for passing stable files lists to scheduled autosend actions, making the process more reliable.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Fixed an issue where a bad trading partner certificate used in a mailbox could prevent the Local Listener from properly starting.
- Fixed a problem where, when running natively on the AS/400 and using the Browse button to select a new certificate, a dialog box would be displayed incorrectly stating that the certificate was a duplicate.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Fixed a problem on the Scheduler Page in the web UI where the host filter options contained out-of-date values.
- Fixed a problem where the %sourcefile% macro was not resolving in the Execute On Successful Copy command.
- Fixed a problem that caused a PUT command to erroneously delete the source when a preceding PUT -DEL command failed during its source deletion phase.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Fixed an issue where access to the Web admin UI via Cleo VLProxy was being allowed even though it was configured to be disabled. This occurred when Cleo VLProxy was being accessed through the portal web UI. Cleo VLProxy VLProxy or later.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Fixed a database payload issue where updating the VLSend table could result in a SQL syntax exception after a failed send attempt.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Fixed a problem where the Scheduler table did not correctly restore the saved column states.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Fixed a problem where scrolling through the date filter's calendar did not display the correct months.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Fixed a problem where listening on server ports would be delayed if the local user folder creation was slow.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Fixed a problem in the FIPS edition of the product where you could neither configure nor use SAML.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Fixed an issue where any logged-in user could see all host actions when performing a search regardless of permissions.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Fixed a problem where updating a connector table property through the REST API would have an issue if special characters like { and } appeared in the table property value.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Fixed problem where a Users Privileges panel would not update appropriately after a new product license was applied.
- Fixed an issue in the Web admin UI where inapplicable pages were shown when an anonymous user was logged in.
- Fixed a problem where downloading an installer through software update would fail at the end of the download with an EOFException.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Fixed a problem where an LDAP user could not be added to a non-LDAP user group in Cleo VLNavigator because an Email Address was required.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Added proper support for SAML deflate encoding/decoding with signatures.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Fixed a potential problem with the ability to log into the Web admin UI if the Local Listener host had been manually deleted.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Fixed an issue where apostrophes in file names would cause child folder listings to fail in Portal.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Fixed an issue where autosend actions would not run if there was an error with any Connector Host used within any autosend action.
- Improved appearance of pointer when hovering over a selectable table row.
Bug Fixes – FTP
- Fixed a problem where the Source.Directory property was not being included as part of the properties that can be retrieved through the Java API's ILexiComIncoming interface.
Bug Fixes – AS2/AS3
- Fixed an issue where VLTransfers will show 'In Progress' transfers when receiving a CEM request or response.
- Fixed an issue where, when embedded '@' characters were included in the host and/or mailbox alias, the host and mailbox names would be displayed incorrectly in the MDN panel and resends after an asynchronous MDN timeout (AS2 only) would fail.
- AS2 Only: Fixed an issue where, when using PGP or XML packaging on an AS2 outbound stream and an IOException occurred, the connection would hang indefinitely.
- Fixed a problem where a large, AS2 compressed message containing 'compressed' in the source file name could not be successfully decompressed.
Bug Fixes – ebMS
- Fixed an issue where, when embedded '@' characters were included in the host and/or mailbox alias, the host and mailbox names would be displayed incorrectly in the Acks panel.
- Fixed an issue where, when sending database payload using HTTP/s through Cleo VLProxy, the action would hang indefinitely if the connection to the remote host could not be made.
Bug Fixes – SSH FTP
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Fixed an issue where some SFTP clients connecting to the Cleo Harmony orCleo VLTrader SFTP server would see a 12-hour timestamp instead of a 24-hour timestamp.
- Fixed a problem where the Source.Directory property was not being included as part of the properties that can be retrieved through the Java API's ILexiComIncoming interface.
Bug Fixes – OFTP
- Fixed an issue in which, when an OFTP trading partner was sending to a VersaLex OFTP 'Server Only' host but disconnected before the host sent all its files to the trading partner, a NullPointerException was being thrown while the host attempted to re-establish the connection.
- Fixed a problem where back-to-back CD requests should be allowed following an EFPA(Speaker=Yes) request, as per RFC 5024 Section Rule 4.
- Fixed a problem where if the server successfully received a file but the client sent an ESID right after the transfer finished, the transfer was not being marked as completed.
- When VersaLex returns an OFTP EERP or NERP, now in all cases a hash value is only included if either the ERRP or NERP is signed or if the 'Always Include EERP Hash' advanced property is on.
Bug Fixes – SMTP
- Fixed a problem with SMTP where the string null was preceding the source file string when using a %sourcefilebase% macro in the Subject field. This condition would only occur when the message also contained "Inline" text.
Bug Fixes – WS
- Fixed an issue where if the %index% macro was used in a WS action, the UI and service/daemon would lock up. Also fixed an issue for all host types where the index would be incremented erroneously when validating the commands of the action.
Bug Fixes – Portal
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Fixed an issue where clustering empty graph databases sometimes caused one to start incorrectly.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Removed default minimum date on datepickers in Cleo Portal.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Fixed an issue where a newly added LDAP user would not be able to login to Portal without a long wait or triggering an LDAP update through the UI.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Fixed bug where single quotes in folder names caused these names to be appended to child folder names.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Fixed a problem where file uploads through Portal failed to fire triggers which were configured to respond to the uploads.
- Fixed an issue with concurrent downloads through Portal on the same file causing an exception.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Fixed an issue where only the 'administrator' user of the Administrators group could login directly to the Web admin UI with SAML enabled.
Bug Fixes – Connector
- Fixed an issue that could cause duplicate Connector send actions to be executed when receiving a SFTP transfer with inbound decryption.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Fixed an issue where a NullPointerException was thrown if Do Not Send Zero Length Files was enabled on a Connector host and an attempt to send a zero-byte file was made.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Fixed an issue where resending a connector transfer would fail through REST and the Web UI (non-classic mode).
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Fixed an issue where, when the EEI connector's AS400 connection was re-established after a connection failure, old connections would continue to use system resources.
- Cleo Harmony only: Fixed an issue in the S3 connector where commands would fail when access was not available to all the parent folders.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Fixed an issue where having multiple EEI connectors in use could eventually cause socket exceptions with "No buffer space available".
- Fixed an issue where a '%' followed by a hexadecimal value in an action name could result in an exception or incorrect values in the database when using 'LogTransfersForPutAndGet=%this%' in a URI path.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Fixed an issue where a Connector Action with a SET command would not properly be triggered.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Fixed a problem where a property change in a newly imported Connector Host is not seen on the first run of an action within that host.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Fixed an issue with the SMB connector where SMB1 only shares would incorrectly show all files as 0 bytes in Portal.
Bug Fixes – HSP
- The HSP server is now more resilient when an unexpected exception occurs. Previously, this would cause an HSP session to not be properly closed, leaving the destination file in a locked state and not allowing a retry attempt from the trading partner.
- Fixed an issue with HSP where the transfer would fail if the inbox on the receiver was using a Connector Host.
Bug Fixes – Router
- Fixed an issue where a file transferred using the Router connector would incorrectly show the timestamp of the file as 01/01/1970 00:00:00.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Fixed a problem where a URI (for example, smb:Fileserver01/...) could not be used as a destination in the new Router connector.
Security – Framework
- Access tokens in URL query strings are no longer accepted as valid authorization for any endpoints except /files and /folders GET requests.
- Addressed an issue where a fuzzing operation performed on the user invitation functionality corrupted a host file, which subsequently prevented the user from logging in to the web UI. Note: Although Cleo was not able to reproduce this error, extra checks were added to better verify the integrity of email addresses for user invitation operations. Further, more descriptive messaging has been added to better inform you in the event of file corruption.
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Added the header "Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store" to all REST API responses to prevent the client from caching login information.
Security – HTTP
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Fixed a problem where the IP address of a Local HTTPs User logging in using SSL client authentication would not be compared to the configured whitelist. Requires Cleo VLProxy or later.
Security – SSH FTP
- Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only: Fixed a problem where the IP address of a user logging in through SSH FTP using PKA would not be compared to the configured whitelist. Requires Cleo VLProxy or later.
Known issues in version 5.6
The following are known issues in Cleo Harmony 5.6:
- In the web UI, you might experience some refresh inconsistencies between the left host tree and the right content panel. These inconsistencies will be remediated once Cleo has completed implementing the Web UI in HTML 5. Refreshing the webpage will correct the view.
- The Unify in Portal feature is not supported on AIX installations due to incompatibility of GraphDB and AIX. On AIX installations, the Logs and Transfers cannot be viewed through the web UI due to AIX not being a supported platform for ElasticSearch. You can use Classic Mode to see the logs and transfers.
- There is an issue with the addition of new
Signature Algorithm
andDigest Algorithm
entries in the informational section of the MDN. If these values are not included in a trading partner’s signature, the message,ERROR: MDN archival failure! - java.lang.NullPointerException
, is logged and is followed by a stack trace. It does not cause the signature to fail, however. In addition, it will not generate anEmail On Fail
because the Result is a success. On upgrade to version, this error might occur, but only appears to occur in conjunction with a small number products that do not include the newSignature Algorithm
andDigest Algorithm
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