The Applications tree branch contains information about the configurable applications. The applications listed under this branch include those configured for the Applications tree privilege under the VLNavigator Privileges tab for the user group associated with the current user. See User Group Tab.
When you select the Applications tree branch, the Settings tab appears.
The Database drop-down displays the list of databases that have been configured. See Databases. For any of the applications to be operational, a database must be configured. When the Database selection is cleared, the Application Settings dialog box appears, informing you that the applications will be disabled.
Test Database Connection can be used to test the connection to database. After the connection is tested, success or failure conditions will be reported.
Export Database Definition can be used to export the SQL statements that VLNavigator uses to create the database tables relative to the VLNavigator operations.
The exported file will contain the following types of DDL statements: CREATE TABLE, ALTER TABLE, and CREATE INDEX. These statements can be modified (e.g., to use a specific table space), but the table and column names must be unaltered. The modified script can then be used to create a modified database; however, if VLNavigator has already created the tables, DROP statements will need to be added to the beginning of the script.
After selecting the desired database and testing the connection, click Apply.
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