Note: This section applies to Cleo VLTrader and Cleo Harmony applications only.
Windows has a built in capability to access Windows (CIFS) and Unix (SMB) shares. This is accomplished through the use of UNC paths or mounting the drive as a drive letter. The account the Cleo VLTrader or Cleo Harmony application is running as must have the credentials to access the files on the share. If the Cleo VLTrader or Cleo Harmony application is running as a user that has permission to access the desired shared paths, then configuring this feature is not necessary.
Windows/Unix Folder Access enables the Cleo VLTrader or Cleo Harmony application to read and write directly from Windows (CIFS) and Unix (SMB) shares from any platform. It allows different user credentials to be used on different shares. Access to these shares can be through a user other than the user running VersaLex. This allows the Cleo VLTraderor Cleo Harmony application to be running as a Windows Service under a Local System Account. On Unix platforms, it allows the Cleo VLTrader or Cleo Harmony application to access shares without the use of Samba.
Important: When running on certain operating systems, the operating system assumes it is the only software talking to the server. It will send a VC (Virtual Circuit) number of zero to the server. Many servers, by default, will reset all other CIFS/SMB connections to the same computer including the Windows/Unix Folder connection for the Cleo VLTraderor Cleo Harmony application.
For Samba servers, reset on zero vc = no
can be configured in the smb.conf file.
For some Windows servers, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\NetBT\Parameters\SmbDeviceEnabled can be added to the registry and set to 0. This same setting can also be used on the client computer. See for details.
Configuring Windows/Unix folder access
Follow the instructions below to configure access to files on Windows/Unix (CIFS/SMB) shares.
- In the web UI, go to . In the native UI, select from the menu bar.
The CIFS Directories page is displayed in the web UI. The Windows/Unix Folder Configuration dialog box is displayed in the native UI.
- Click New.
The Windows/Unix Inbound/Outbound Folder dialog box appears.
- Enter values for the fields as needed.
- Domain
- The name of the Domain for the user. If this is not a domain login, then leave this field empty.
- User ID
- Password
- The credentials the product will use to connect to the share.
- UNC Paths
- A list of UNC-type paths (\\servername\sharedfolder) that can be accessed through this option. Enter one UNC path per line. VersaLex will perform a case-insensitive match against these paths to determine whether it should use this feature to access the Windows/Unix folder. The paths entered in other places (such asInbox, Outbox, Sentbox, Receivedbox) will be compared against this list. If the complete folder name listed in UNC Paths matches the beginning folder in the Inboxfield (as an example), then the folder will be accessed using the entered domain, username, and password.
- Optional. Click Validate to verify the paths can be accessed using the entered user information. This button will only check read access on the UNC paths entered.
- Once all the information has been entered click OK.
- Repeat steps 1 through 5 for each Domain/User pair needed.
- The updated Windows/Unix Folder Configuration panel is displayed. Enter any necessary JCIFS properties in the Custom JCIFS Properties field (one per line). These properties are described at the following website: . On Unix platforms, we have seen increased performance if the following properties are set:
- In addition to the properties described on the web page, there are some additional ones defined by Cleo. These should only be configured at the direction of Cleo Technical Support. The following are the default values:
- The List by choices at the top of the panel chose the display format for the Domain/User ID/Folder list. The Domain/UserID choice will order the list by Domain/User ID. The Folder choice will order the list by Windows/Unix Inbound/Outbound Folder name.
- Create links for the Inbound and Outbound Files.
The next step is to enter the UNC paths into the fields where they are required. The following is a list of the locations where the Windows/Unix Folders (UNC paths) are NOT supported:
- Selection of the folder using the File Chooser anywhere in the product
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