When the transfer feature is enabled for a relational database, the , , or application automatically creates a set of database tables. The user specified for the database connection must have privileges to create tables and triggers.
Transfer log
This topic contains a description of the fields used for the transfer log database feature. The same fields appear in the database columns and the XML file, depending on how you store the data.
VLTransfers database table or logs/xferYYYYMMDD.xml XML file
Column/Field Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
TransferID | VARCHAR | 30 | Database only
Transfer ID (generated by Cleo Harmony, Cleo VLTrader, or Cleo LexiCom application and used as a "key" to the records) |
ExternalID | VARCHAR | 50 | Optional external ID provided by end user application |
MessageID | VARCHAR | 100 | Message ID (generated either by Cleo Harmony, Cleo VLTrader, or Cleo LexiCom application or the remote host) |
Folder | VARCHAR | 50 | Database only
Host folder alias |
Host | VARCHAR | 50 | Host Alias |
Mailbox | VARCHAR | 50 | Mailbox Alias |
MailboxID | VARCHAR | 255 | Database only
Optional identifier set via mailbox |
Username | VARCHAR | 50 | Database only
Name of user performing the transfer. If it matches the Mailbox, then this is null. |
Action | VARCHAR | 50 | Action Alias |
Transport | VARCHAR | 12 | Transport |
StartDT | VARCHAR | 20 | Start Date and Time the file transfer started
Format: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss |
EndDT | VARCHAR | 20 | End Date and Time the file transfer completed
Format: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss |
Direction | VARCHAR | 10 | Direction
Possible values include send or receive, or inbound oroutbound for CHECK commands |
IsReceipt | VARCHAR | 1 | Receipt file
Possible values: T=True; F=False |
Status | VARCHAR | 15 | Status
Possible values:
* Database payload only: A status of Interim Successwhen using database payload indicates that the Cleo Harmony, Cleo VLTrader, or Cleo LexiCom FTP or SSH FTP server received a file, but it was not stored by the FTP user into the user's configured inbox subdirectory. Another transfer will be logged with a status of Success if and when the file is moved into the inbox directory by the FTP user via FTP rename commands. In fact, when the file is renamed by the FTP user, the payload is actually inserted into the VLIncoming database table at that time. See Database payload for more information on the database payload feature. |
OrigName | VARCHAR | 100 | Original filename
If the file is a zip archive, this field contains zip filename[entry name] |
OrigPath | VARCHAR | 200 | Original path |
OrigFileDT | VARCHAR | 20 | Original file date/time stamp
Format: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss |
FileSize | BIGINT | File size | |
TransferTime | FLOAT | 20 | Transfer time in seconds |
TransferBytes | BIGINT | Transfer bytes | |
CRC | VARCHAR | 12 | Database only
CRC-32 value associated with the transfer, or NULL if CRC is not available |
ResultText | VARCHAR | 500 | Result text |
FileHeader | VARCHAR | 100 | File Header (future use) |
VLSerial | VARCHAR | 6 | Database only
Cleo Harmony, Cleo VLTrader, or Cleo LexiCom license serial number (in case multiple product instances sharing database) |
CopyPath | VARCHAR | 500 | Database only
Contains the path to the sentbox/receivedbox copy or NULL if a copy is not available. |
RunType | VARCHAR | 30 | Database only
Contains the run type (for example, Interactive,Scheduled, Unsolicited, and so on) or NULL if the run type is not available. |
PreviousTransferID | VARCHAR | 30 | Database only
If RunType = Resend, contains the transfer ID of the transfer on which this transfer was based. Otherwise, it is NULL. |
Command | VARCHAR | 500 | Database only
The original command string. Only present for CHECKcommands. |
InteractiveUsername | VARCHAR | 50 | Database only
Name of user running the action interactively. |
StartNDT | DATETIME | Database only
DateTime version of StartDT |
EndNDT | DATETIME | Database only
DateTime version of EndDT |
TradingPartnerAlias | VARCHAR | 255 | Database only
Alias of trading partner associated to the host/mailbox or to the ID if tracking is enabled. |
FileType | VARCHAR | 255 | Database only
File extension of transferred file |
TrackedType | VARCHAR | 25 | Database only
If the file is tracked, this is the tracked type. Possible values are EDI, TEXT, or XML. |
IPAddress | VARCHAR | 45 | Database only
IP Address of remote computer used for local user IP filtering. |
StartDTInt | BIGINT | Milliseconds epoch version of StartDT |
EndDTInt | BIGINT | Milliseconds epoch version of EndDT |
External transfers
For both database and XML transfer logging, transfers outside the direct control of the Cleo Harmony, Cleo VLTrader, or Cleo LexiComapplication can also be logged by dropping XML files into the Cleo Harmony, Cleo VLTrader, or Cleo LexiCom logs\autoxfer\ directory. One XML file represents a send start or complete, a receive start or complete, or transfer in-process. Files must conform to Cleo'swebserver\WEB-INF\schemas\autoxfer.xsd schema.
and <Status>
elements are always required, the following are also required:
- For
, and<Mailbox>
are required
- For
are required
- For
, and<Transfertime>
are required<Startdt>
is also required if XML logging is in use (in order to find the XML file, which are per day)
The XML files are processed sequentially in sorted order, usually within a second. For a given transfer, the sorted order of the files must match the chronological order of a transfer - the transfer-start XML file first, any transfer-in-process XML files (if any are used) next, and the transfer-complete XML file last.
EDI tracking fields
Optionally, when logging to a database, EDI files can be detected and supplementary header information logged along with the transfer. You can configure which data is logged. See Transfers and File tracking. Text fields are sized for the maximum values; invariably UN/EDIFACT and TRADACOMS allow for longer values than EDI-X12.
VLEDIInterchange database table
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description | ||
TransferID | VARCHAR | 30 | TransferID in VLTransfers table | ||
VLSerial | VARCHAR | 6 | VLSerial in VLTransfers table | ||
isX12 | BIT | On | Off | Off | |
isEDIFACT | BIT | Off | On | Off | |
isTRADACOMS | BIT | Off | Off | On | |
Interchange | INTEGER | ISA count in file | UNB count in file | STX count in file | |
Sender | VARCHAR | 35 | ISA06 | UNB02:1 | STX02:1 |
SenderQualifier | VARCHAR | 4 | ISA05 | UNB02:2 | n/a |
Receiver | VARCHAR | 35 | ISA08 | UNB03:1 | STX03:1 |
ReceiverQualifier | VARCHAR | 4 | ISA07 | UNB03:2 | n/a |
InterchangeDT | DATETIME | ISA09 + ISA10 | UNB04:1 + UNB04:2 | STX04:1 +
STX04:2 |
ControlNum | VARCHAR | 14 | ISA13 | UNB05 | STX05 |
VARCHAR | 255 | Alias of trading partner associated with the Interchange ID. |
VLEDIFunctionalGroup database table
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description | ||
TransferID | VARCHAR | 30 | TransferID in VLTransfers table | ||
VLSerial | VARCHAR | 6 | VLSerial in VLTransfers table | ||
Interchange | INTEGER | Interchange in VLEDIInterchange table | |||
FunctionalGroup | INTEGER | GS count in file | UNG count in file | BAT count in file | |
FunctionCode | VARCHAR | 6 | GS01 | UNG01 | n/a |
AppSender | VARCHAR | 35 | GS02 | UNG02:1 | n/a |
SenderQualifier | VARCHAR | 4 | n/a | UNG02:2 | n/a |
AppReceiver | VARCHAR | 35 | GS03 | UNG03:1 | n/a |
ReceiverQualifier | VARCHAR | 4 | n/a | UNG03:2 | n/a |
GroupDT | DATETIME | GS04 + GS05 | UNG04:1 + UNG04:2 | n/a | |
ControlNum | VARCHAR | 14 | GS06 | UNG05 | BAT01 |
VLEDITransactionSet database table
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description | ||
TransferID | VARCHAR | 30 | TransferID in VLTransfers table | ||
VLSerial | VARCHAR | 6 | VLSerial in VLTransfers table | ||
Interchange | INTEGER | Interchange in VLEDIInterchange table | |||
FunctionalGroup | INTEGER | FunctionalGroup in VLEDIFunctionalGroup table | |||
TransactionSet | INTEGER | ST count in file | UNH count in file | MHD count in file | |
MessageType | VARCHAR | 6 | n/a | n/a | MHD02 |
TransactionType | VARCHAR | 6 | ST01 | UNH02 | TYP01 |
ControlNum | VARCHAR | 14 | ST02 | UNH01 | MHD01 |
DataSegment Count | INTEGER | SE01* | UNT01* | MTR01* | |
* decremented by 2 because count includes the header and trailer segments | |||||
Ref1 | VARCHAR | 500 | Custom transaction data segment element reference number | ||
Ref2 | VARCHAR | 500 | Custom transaction additional data segment element reference number(s), separated by commas | ||
AckStatus | VARCHAR | 3 | Transaction functional acknowledgment status:
A = accepted
E = accepted, with errors M = rejected MAC failed P = partially accepted R = rejected X = rejected, after decryption |
1 = acknowledged, all levels
2 = acknowledged, with errors 3 = one or more rejected 4 = rejected 5 = UNB/UNZ accepted 6 = UNB/UNZ rejected 7 = acknowledged, this level 8 = interchange received |
- = not applicable | |||
VARCHAR | 14 | Initially NULL. Once functional acknowledgment sent or received for this transaction, set to interchange control number of functional acknowledgment. | ||
TransactionDesc | VARCHAR | 255 | Textual description of this transaction. For example, “Purchase Order” will be stored for a transaction type of 850. |
VLEDIInterchange database table
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description | ||
TransferID | VARCHAR | 30 | TransferID in VLTransfers table | ||
VLSerial | VARCHAR | 6 | VLSerial in VLTransfers table | ||
isX12 | BIT | On | Off | Off | |
isEDIFACT | BIT | Off | On | Off | |
isTRADACOMS | BIT | Off | Off | On | |
Interchange | INTEGER | ISA count in file | UNB count in file | STX count in file | |
Sender | VARCHAR | 35 | ISA06 | UNB02:1 | STX02:1 |
SenderQualifier | VARCHAR | 4 | ISA05 | UNB02:2 | n/a |
Receiver | VARCHAR | 35 | ISA08 | UNB03:1 | STX03:1 |
ReceiverQualifier | VARCHAR | 4 | ISA07 | UNB03:2 | n/a |
InterchangeDT | DATETIME | ISA09 + ISA10 | UNB04:1 + UNB04:2 | STX04:1 +
STX04:2 |
ControlNum | VARCHAR | 14 | ISA13 | UNB05 | STX05 |
VARCHAR | 255 | Alias of trading partner associated to the Interchange ID. |
VLEDIFunctionalGroup database table
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description | ||
TransferID | VARCHAR | 30 | TransferID in VLTransfers table | ||
VLSerial | VARCHAR | 6 | VLSerial in VLTransfers table | ||
Interchange | INTEGER | Interchange in VLEDIInterchange table | |||
FunctionalGroup | INTEGER | GS count in file | UNG count in file | BAT count in file | |
FunctionCode | VARCHAR | 6 | GS01 | UNG01 | n/a |
AppSender | VARCHAR | 35 | GS02 | UNG02:1 | n/a |
SenderQualifier | VARCHAR | 4 | n/a | UNG02:2 | n/a |
AppReceiver | VARCHAR | 35 | GS03 | UNG03:1 | n/a |
ReceiverQualifier | VARCHAR | 4 | n/a | UNG03:2 | n/a |
GroupDT | DATETIME | GS04 + GS05 | UNG04:1 + UNG04:2 | n/a | |
ControlNum | VARCHAR | 14 | GS06 | UNG05 | BAT01 |
XML tracking fields
Optionally, when logging to a database, XML files can be detected and supplementary information can be logged along with the transfer. You can configure which data is logged. See Transfers and File tracking. XPath format is used to describe the path to the XML elements to be extracted. The table described below is used to store the extracted XML elements.
VLXMLExtractedData database table
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
TransferID | VARCHAR | 30 | TransferID in VLTransfers table |
VLSerial | VARCHAR | 6 | VLSerial in VLTransfers table |
SetID | INTEGER | Index used for multiple sets of extracted data for the same TransferID | |
SenderID | VARCHAR | 255 | Extracted sender identifier |
ReceiverID | VARCHAR | 255 | Extracted receiver identifier |
DocumentID | VARCHAR | 255 | Extracted document identifier |
DocumentType | VARCHAR | 255 | Extracted document type |
DocumentDateTime | VARCHAR | 255 | Extracted document date/time string |
Ref1 | VARCHAR | 500 | Custom reference information |
Ref2 | VARCHAR | 500 | Additional custom reference information |
TradingPartnerAlias | VARCHAR | 255 | Alias of trading partner associated to the ID. |
Text tracking fields
Optionally, when logging to a database, Text files can be detected and supplementary information can be logged along with the transfer. You can configure which data is logged. See Transfers and File tracking. Data can be extracted based on column number or field numbers. The following table is used to store the extracted text strings.
VLXMLExtractedData database table
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
TransferID | VARCHAR | 30 | TransferID in VLTransfers table |
VLSerial | VARCHAR | 6 | VLSerial in VLTransfers table |
SetID | INTEGER | Index used for multiple sets of extracted data for the same TransferID | |
SenderID | VARCHAR | 255 | Extracted sender identifier |
ReceiverID | VARCHAR | 255 | Extracted receiver identifier |
DocumentID | VARCHAR | 255 | Extracted document identifier |
DocumentType | VARCHAR | 255 | Extracted document type |
DocumentDateTime | VARCHAR | 255 | Extracted document date/time string |
Ref1 | VARCHAR | 500 | Custom reference information |
Ref2 | VARCHAR | 500 | Additional custom reference information |
TradingPartnerAlias | VARCHAR | 255 | Alias of trading partner associated to the ID. |
Supplemental tracking fields
When logging tracking data to a database, summary data is also stored in the VLTracked table. This table contains data for all tracking types: EDI, XML, and Text.
VLTracked database table
Column/Field Name | Data Type | Length | Source |
TransferID | VARCHAR | 30 | VLEDIInterchange.TransferID
VLXMLExtractedData.TransferID VLTextExtractedData.TransferID |
VLSerial | VARCHAR | 6 | VLEDIInterchange.VLSerial
VLXMLExtractedData.VLSerial VLTextExtractedData.VLSerial |
Interchange | INTEGER | VLEDIInterchange.Interchange
0 (for XML and Text) |
FunctionalGroup | INTEGER | VLEDIFunctionalGroup.FunctionalGroup
0 (for XML and Text) |
SetID | INTEGER | VLEDITransactionSet.TransactionSet
VLXMLExtractedData.SetID VLTextExtractedData.SetID |
TradingPartnerAlias | VARCHAR | 255 | VLEDIInterchange.TradingPartnerAlias
VLXMLExtractedData.TradingPartnerAlias VLTextExtractedData.TradingPartnerAlias |
Type | VARCHAR | 255 | VLEDITransactionSet.TransactionType (X12/Edifact)
VLEDITransactionSet.MessageType (Tradacoms) VLXMLExtractedData.DocumentType VLTextExtractedData.DocumentType |
Description | VARCHAR | 255 | VLEDITransactionSet.TransactionDesc
Description from XML Description from Text |
DocumentID | VARCHAR | 255 | VLEDIInterchange.ControlNum
VLXMLExtractedData.DocumentID VLTextExtractedData.DocumentID |
Ref1 | VARCHAR | 500 | VLEDITransactionSet.Ref1
VLXMLExtractedData.Ref1 VLTextExtractedData.Ref1 |
Ref2 | VARCHAR | 500 | VLEDITransactionSet.Ref2
VLXMLExtractedData.Ref2 VLTextExtractedData.Ref2 |
SenderID | VARCHAR | 255 | VLEDIInterchange.Sender [+ “:” +VLEDIInterchange.SenderQualifier]
VLXMLExtractedData.SenderID VLTextExtractedData.SenderID |
ReceiverID | VARCHAR | 255 | VLEDIInterchange.Receiver [+ “:” +VLEDIInterchange.ReceiverQualifier]
VLXMLExtractedData.ReceiverID VLTextExtractedData.ReceiverID |
DocumentDateTime | VARCHAR | 255 | VLEDIInterchange.InterchangeDT (formatted as yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss )
VLXMLExtractedData.DocumentDateTime VLTextExtractedData.DocumentDateTime |
SetControlNum | VARCHAR | 14 | VLEDITransactionSet.ControlNum
NULL (for XML and Text) |
DataSegmentCount | INTEGER | VLEDITransactionSet.DataSegmentCount
NULL (for XML and Text) |
AckStatus | VARCHAR | 3 | VLEDITransactionSet.AckStatus
NULL (for XML and Text) |
AckIControlNum | VARCHAR | 14 | VLEDITransactionSet.AckIControlNum
NULL (for XML and Text) |
isX12 | BIT | VLEDIInterchange.isX12
NULL (for XML and Text) |
NULL (for XML and Text) |
SLA/KPI fields
This table contains low-level information regarding each CHECK command run (that is, each checkpoint).
VLSLAKPI database table
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
TransferID | VARCHAR | 30 | TransferID in VLTransfers table |
VLSerial | VARCHAR | 6 | VLSerial in VLTransfers table |
CheckType | VARCHAR | 30 | Contains one of these values:
Class | VARCHAR | 20 | Contains one of these values:
Subclass | VARCHAR | 30 | Contains one of these values:
TimeCondition | VARCHAR | 100 | Contains a common-language summary of the primary time condition. |
Direction | VARCHAR | 20 | Contains one of these values:
Recurse | VARCHAR | 10 | Contains one of these values:
Status | VARCHAR | 20 | Contains one of these values:
Count | VARCHAR | 20 | Contains one of these values:
Sender | VARCHAR | 500 | Contains one of these values:
Receiver | VARCHAR | 500 | Contains one of these values:
FunctionalGroupSender | VARCHAR | 500 | Contains one of these values:
FunctionalGroupReceiver | VARCHAR | 500 | Contains one of these values:
TransactionType | VARCHAR | 6 | Contains one of these values:
DocumentType | VARCHAR | 255 | Contains one of these values:
ResponseMatchCondition | VARCHAR | 100 | Contains one of these values:
ConditionsMetClassification | VARCHAR | 20 | Contains one of these values:
ConditionsMet | BIT | true if overall conditions of CHECK were met; falseotherwise |
Static tables
The static tables contain data that does not change. This data is used in conjunction with other table to present data to the user.
VLStatus database table
This table contains different statuses found in the Status
column of the VLTransfers table and whether the status is considered a success or failure.
Column/Field Name | Data Type | Length | Source |
Status | VARCHAR | 15 | Status string
This status matches a status in VLTransfers.Status |
IsSuccess | BIT | True if this status is considered a Success | |
IsFailure | BIT | True if this status is considered a Failure |
VLTransport database table
This table contains different transport strings found in the Transport
column of the VLTransfers table on whether the transport is considered a Transfer or a CheckPoint.
Column/Field Name | Data Type | Length | Source |
Transport | VARCHAR | 12 | Transport string
This string matches a transport status in VLTransfers.Transport. |
DisplayName | VARCHAR | 25 | The string displayed to the user for this Transport. |
IsTransfer | BIT | True if this transport is considered a Transfer. | |
IsCheckPoint | BIT | True if this transport is considered a CheckPoint. |
Database payload
The database can also be optionally used as a repository for both incoming and outgoing payload.
VLOptions database table
- There is one and only one row in this table.
- All of this can be configured either by using the Cleo Harmony, Cleo VLTrader, or Cleo LexiCom UI or by modifying the database directly.
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
Maximum BlobSize | INTEGER | The maximum BLOB size supported by the database (incoming and outgoing payload will be stored in a BLOB data type)
The JDBC interface limits this size to 231-1 (2,147,483,647) bytes. Default: 65535 bytes |
Outgoing PollingInterval | INTEGER | The frequency at which VersaLex will check for new outgoing payload (VLSend and VLOutgoing tables)
Default: 5 seconds |
Outgoing Timeout | INTEGER | For abnormally terminated or unresponsive sends, the timeout at which the send will be retried by either a parallel or restarted VersaLex
Default: 30 minutes |
ClearSuccessful Sends | BIT | Indicates whether successfully sent payload (VLSend andVLOutgoing tables) should be automatically cleared by VersaLex
Default: 1 (True) |
Maximum Attempts | INTEGER | Indicates maximum number of failed outgoing payload send attempts before retries are halted.
Default: 0 (Indicates no limit) |
Maximum Concurrent Sends | INTEGER | Maximum number of concurrent outgoing database payload actions that can be active at any given time overall. If the limit is reached and more outgoing payload is found, it is put on hold until one of the current outgoing database payload actions completes.
Default: 50 |
Max Concur Sends Per Mailbox | INTEGER | Maximum number of concurrent outgoing database payload actions that can be active at any given time for any given mailbox. If the limit is reached and more outgoing payload is found for a mailbox, it is put on hold until one of the current outgoing database payload actions for that mailbox completes.
Default: 5 |
Bundle Same Mailbox Sends | BIT | At each polling interval, indicates to bundle payload for the same mailbox together and send one-by-one using just one mailbox session.
Default: 0 (False) |
Maximum Bundle Size | INTEGER | If bundling same mailbox sends, maximum bundle size allowed for one mailbox session.
Default: 5 |
Connection Poolsize | INTEGER | Indicates the number of database connections immediately obtained and continually reused. These connections are used strictly for database payload.
Default: 20 |
Include User Inbox Subdirs | BIT | Indicates whether files stored by a user in a subdirectory of their configured inbox should be inserted into the database.
Default: 0 (False) |
Database Payload Suspended | BIT | Indicates whether the database payload feature has been temporarily put on hold by a user
Default: 0 (False) |
AlwaysAll Mailboxes Receive | BIT | True if all incoming mailboxes should be used for database payload.
Default: 0 (False) |
Maximum Connections | INTEGER | The absolute maximum number of allowed database connections (including poolsize) for database payload
Default: 0 |
ReservedForIncoming | INTEGER | Percentage of the maximum number of database connections to reserve for incoming requests.
Default: 33 (percent) |
IncludeUserOutboxSubdirs | BIT | Indicates whether files stored by a connected HTTP, FTP, or SSH FTP client in a subdirectory of their configured inbox should be inserted into the database.
Default: 0 (False) |
IncomingStreamDirect | BIT | Indicates whether incoming payload should be streamed directly into the database or through a temporary file.
Default: 1 (True) |
VLMailboxes database table
- The number of rows and the
columns are maintained automatically by VersaLex. - The
column can be configured either via the Cleo Harmony, Cleo VLTrader, or Cleo LexiCom UI at or modified directly in the database.
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
Host | VARCHAR | 50 | Active Cleo Harmony, Cleo VLTrader, or Cleo LexiCom host |
Mailbox | VARCHAR | 50 | Active Cleo Harmony, Cleo VLTrader, or Cleo LexiCom mailbox |
Receive Incoming | BIT | For this trading partner (host\mailbox), indicates whether Cleo Harmony, Cleo VLTrader, or Cleo LexiCom should insert incoming payload into the database (VLIncoming table) rather than write to the file system
Default: 0 (False) |
VLSend database table
Used in conjunction with VLOutgoing
table to send outgoing payload from the database. See Sending database payload for more information.
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
SendID | INTEGER | Unique send ID (sequence identifier) | |
Host | VARCHAR | 50 | Host in VLMailboxes table to be used for sending |
Mailbox | VARCHAR | 50 | Mailbox in VLMailboxes table to be used for sending |
InsertedDT | DATETIME | Date/time outgoing payload initially inserted into database | |
SendingDT | DATETIME | Initially NULL. Date/time Cleo Harmony, Cleo VLTrader, or Cleo LexiCom started sending. Set back to NULL when send attempt either succeeds or fails. | |
PendingDT | DATETIME | If not NULL, this is the Date/time to wait for before sending | |
VLSerial | VARCHAR | 6 | Initially NULL. VLSerial of Cleo Harmony, Cleo VLTrader, or Cleo LexiCom sending. Set back to NULL if send attempt fails. |
LastAttemptDT | DATETIME | Initially NULL. Date/time Cleo Harmony, Cleo VLTrader, or Cleo LexiCom finished last send attempt. | |
LastFailed Attempt ResultText |
VARCHAR | 150 | Result text from last send attempt that failed. |
Retries | INTEGER | Defaults to 0. Current number of retries. | |
TotalAttempts | INTEGER | Defaults to 0. Total number of send attempts. | |
SentDT | DATETIME | Initially NULL. Date/time Cleo Harmony, Cleo VLTrader, or Cleo LexiCom successfully finished sending. | |
FinalAttemptDT | DATETIME | Initially NULL. Date/time Cleo Harmony, Cleo VLTrader, or Cleo LexiCom halted retries (based on VLOptions.MaximumAttempts). |
VLOutgoing database table
Used in conjunction with VLSend
table to send outgoing payload from the database. See Sending database payload for more information.
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
SendID | INTEGER | SendID in VLSend table | |
Fileindex | INTEGER | Unique index for each payload to be grouped together in a single message (with same SendID) | |
ExternalID | VARCHAR | 50 | Optional; if present, logged along with TransferID in VersaLex system log file and in VLTransfers table |
Payload | BLOB | Outgoing content | |
Filename | VARCHAR | 100 | Optional; if present, forwarded to trading partner |
ContentType | VARCHAR | 100 | Optional; can be set to application/edi-x12, application/xml, and so on. Can include charset= parameter. If not present, content type detected by software |
Filesize | INTEGER | Optional. Content size or -1 if not known.
Default: -1 |
TransferID | VARCHAR | 30 | Initially NULL. TransferID in VLTransfers table |
VLSerial | VARCHAR | 6 | Initially NULL. VLSerial in VLTransfers table |
MessageID | VARCHAR | 100 | Initially NULL. Protocol-specific message ID |
VLOutgoingProperties database table
Optionally used in conjunction with VLSend
and VLOutgoing
tables to send outgoing payload from the database. See Sending database payload for more information.
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
SendID | INTEGER | SendID in VLSend table | |
Fileindex | INTEGER | Unique index of payload or -1 if property applies to outgoing payload as a whole.
Default: -1 |
Name | VARCHAR | 50 | Payload property (for example, Content-Disposition)
- or - PUT command parameter or header name, for example, Subject. See specific protocol documentation for possible PUT command parameters/headers |
Value | VARCHAR | 300 | Payload property value, or example, inline.
- or - PUT command parameter or header value |
VLIncoming database table
Used to receive incoming payload. See Receiving database payload for more information.
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
TransferID | VARCHAR | 30 | TransferID in VLTransfers table |
VLSerial | VARCHAR | 6 | VLSerial in VLTransfers table |
MessageID | VARCHAR | 100 | Protocol-specific message ID |
Fileindex | INTEGER | Sequential index of each payload grouped together in a single message (with same MessageID) | |
Payload | BLOB | Incoming content | |
Filename | VARCHAR | 255 | If present in message |
ContentType | VARCHAR | 50 | If present in message |
Filesize | INTEGER | Content size | |
Host | VARCHAR | 50 | Host in VLMailboxes table that received payload |
Mailbox | VARCHAR | 50 | Mailbox in VLMailboxes table that received payload |
InsertedDT | DATETIME | Date and time at which Cleo Harmony, Cleo VLTrader, or Cleo LexiComfinished receiving content. | |
RetrievedDT | DATETIME | Initially NULL. Can be set by end user application to indicate payload has been processed. |
VLIncomingProperties database table
Optionally used in conjunction with VLIncoming
table to receive incoming payload. See Receiving database payload for more information.
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
TransferID | VARCHAR | 30 | TransferID in VLTransfers table |
VLSerial | VARCHAR | 6 | VLSerial in VLTransfers table |
Name | VARCHAR | 50 | Additional payload parameter/header name, for example, Subject. |
Value | VARCHAR | 300 | Additional payload parameter/header value |
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