After the initial setup and configuration of the CLW utility, you are ready to execute the runArchiver batch file/shell script. Recommended methods include an automatic service (for example: Windows Service on Windows, Chron on Linux) or through the Clarify RunOsCommand Business Process task, which lets you run an operating system command directly from a Clarify server.
This process archives database records from the production Clarify server internal database and storage manager based on date criteria that you determine when executing. In order to define what the archiver selects, the following date criteria options are available:
- To archive data for a single day: runArchiver yyyyMMdd
- To archive data for a range of days, where the first parameter is the start date, and the second parameter is the end date: runArchiver yyyyMMdd yyyyMMdd
- To archive data going back a specified number of days from the current day where the second parameter (x) is the number of days: runArchiver –d x (example: runArchiver-d 3 = three days). Note: in this example, "3" indicates the amount of days going back to archive a single day of data, and not archiving 3 days worth of data.
Note: The archiver selects data for an entire day, not a specified point in time during the day. For example, if the –d 2 parameter is utilized, the archiver will archive the entire day (back to 12:00 AM) which was two days prior, not two days minus the time left in the day.
Log results
Each time the archiver runs, the DataArchiver.log report is generated and placed in the log sub-directory of the CLW utility
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