A good practice is to use a standardized method for naming Projects, Packages, and objects, but it’s especially critical when employing a modular approach to designing Clarify solutions.
- Enhance clarity in cases of potential ambiguity
- Avoid naming collisions or duplicate names
- Provide meaningful information
- At-a-glance understanding of Projects/Packages/objects, especially if you are away from developing integrations for an extended period of time
- Predictability
Resource | Naming Requirements & Recommendations |
Projects |
Use all lowercase characters. Use a period as a separator, where necessary. Use alpha-numeric characters. Include your web domain name/division/location, if more than one. Include an identifier used to organize objects. For example: trading partner names and/or document types. It is recommended that you create a core or common Project to organize commonly reused Packages/objects. |
Packages |
Use the Project name plus a qualifier. Use all lowercase characters. Use a period as a separator, where necessary. Use alpha-numeric characters. Package names cannot begin with a number. Java keywords are not permitted (see Java Keywords below). Use simple, but meaningful names. Include an identifier used to organize objects. For example: document types and/or direction. |
Objects |
Object names cannot begin with a number. Use UpperCamelCase (the name is formed by joining multiple words with the first letter of each of the multiple words capitalized). Use alpha-numeric characters (the dollar sign and underscore are permitted). Although the file extension indicates the object type, you should always include the type (or an acronym) in the name. See File Extension Acronyms below. |
File Extension Acronyms (Recommended)
Object | Suffix | Extension |
Application Interface | AI | appInterface |
Application Route | AR | appRoute |
Business Process | BPS | bps |
Business Process Diagram | BPD | bpsDiagram |
CodeTable | CT | codeTable |
Control Number Generators | CN | controlNumber |
Data Source | DS | dataSource |
Database Adapter | DBA | dbAdapter |
Database Monitor | DBM | dbMonitor |
Database Schema | DB | dbSchema |
EDI Enveloper | ENV | ediEnveloper |
EDI Schema | EDI | ediSchema |
Email Receive Monitor | EM | email.monitor |
Email Send Adapter | EA | email.adapter |
Event | EV | event |
External API - Java Program | API | externalApi |
File Adapter | FA | fileAdapter |
File Monitor | FM | fileMonitor |
Flat File Schema | FF | ffSchema |
Formula | FOR | formula |
FTP Adapter | FTP | ftpAdapter |
Global Variable | GV | globalVar |
Inbound EDI Route | IR | inboundEdi |
Message Filter | MF | msgFilter |
Next Number | NN | nextNumber |
Outbound EDI Route | OR | outboundEdi |
Process Schedule | PS | sched |
Ruleset | RS | ruleset |
Ruleset Data Object | RDO | rulesetDataObject |
Spreadsheet Schema | SS | ssSchema |
SQL Access | SQL | sqlAccess |
Trading Partner | TP | tradingPartner |
Transformation Settings | TS | tfSettings |
Web Service Consumer | WSC | wsConsumer |
Web Service Provider | WSP | wsProvider |
XML Schema | XML | xmlSchema |
Java keywords that cannot be used for Package names.
abstract | continue | for | new | switch |
assert | default | goto | package | synchronized |
boolean | do | if | private | this |
break | double | implements | protected | throw |
byte | else | import | public | throws |
case | enum | instanceof | return | transient |
catch | extends | int | short | try |
char | final | interface | static | void |
class | finally | long | strictfp | volatile |
const | float | native | super |
Duplicate names: Certain naming restrictions are enforced by the platform. These are noted here, along with strong recommendations to avoid potential complications.
For this Resource | Duplicate Names are … |
Projects |
Packages |
Objects |
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