When a Database Monitor is promoted (bundled and deployed) to a server, so too will any dependent objects. Always make sure these related objects exist and are complete before deploying the monitor. A good practice is to make your monitor one of the last objects you create.
Database Monitors behave differently than other monitors in Clarify, especially when part of a Project that has been deployed to a remote server. This is mainly due to its associated trigger on an external database.
Deployment and monitor activation
When deploying a Project (containing a Database Monitor), the monitor will need to be started before the trigger is created on the database. When un-deploying a Project (containing a Database Monitor) from a server, the Database Monitor will stop, and the trigger on the database will be removed. This behavior is the same for a remote Clarify server or the Local Test server.
Updating a monitor when part of a deployed Project (re-deploy)
When a started monitor is updated to a deployed Project, any update to the trigger takes effect immediately. When a stopped monitor is updated to a deployed Project, any update to the trigger will not take effect until the monitor is started.
For Local Test, the behavior is different. The Database Monitor must be re-started from the Resource Monitors view in order for changes to take effect.
Other differences with the Local Test Server and Database Monitors
If choosing to delete the local runtime workspace (from the Server Projects section of the Projects view), all deployed Database Monitors must first be stopped before doing so, otherwise triggers will still exist on the database.
If using the Project Clean feature within the Clarify Workbench, all deployed Database Monitors will stop, and thereby remove the trigger from the database.
How deployment and activation affect the trigger on the database
A trigger will be removed from the database when the Database Monitor is:
- Undeployed.
- Stopped from the Admin Console (Resource Monitor view).
However a trigger will not be removed from the database when the following occurs:
- A server stops or suspends (either through the Admin Console or ebi_ctl).
- An updated Database Monitor is added back into a deployed Project.
- A Receiver Node fails (failover).
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