This topic describes the initial steps to create and house reusable variables that can be added to the global root (glb) set of variables in a Ruleset.
If they can be used across multiple projects, Cleo recommends creating this object as part of your CORE Project, so the object can easily be shared with other Projects.
- Select File | New | Ruleset Data Object from the main menu. The New Ruleset Data Object window appears.
- Provide the Source folder, Package, and Name.
- Click Finish. An editor appears.
Defining this object specifies all the variable names, values, and types that will available in a Ruleset Data Object.
Tip: Plan first
Give some thought to your RDOs before you create them – remember that these can be used globally, so you may not want to be too specific. For example, trading partner phone number/contact info may not be a variable you’ll reuse, but their Billing Address may be.
This task takes place in the Ruleset Data Object editor, which has only one section. The section will have the same name as the actual object name.
- Click Add to create a field and begin to define each variable. A New_Field entry appears in the Name column, showing the default String in the Type column, and nothing in the Value column.
- To rename the variable, click once in the Name field and enter text. Always give your variables meaningful names that help you and others understand their purpose. Example: TradingParnterID, InvoiceNum, but not Parm1, Field1, etc. Also, remember that general Naming Conventions apply.
- Enter the variable Type by clicking in the area and choosing from the available options. These include String, Boolean, Number, Object. and Storage Node.
Note: The Object variable is a general place-marker; it can be any of the above variable types and is often used when the final type is not known at the time of creation.
- You may assign an initial value to the variable. All values must be compatible with the selected type.
Repeat these steps for each variable you wish to include in the RDO.
- Click Save to complete this task.
Once saved, this object is now made available for use in a Ruleset. You must add the object to the glb folder in the Variables panel of the Ruleset editor. Please see Use the Add Data Object button to accomplish this.
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