Note: This section applies to the Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader applications only.
- In the web UI, click Router. In the native UI, select > Router in the menu bar.
- By default, the router does not automatically start when the Cleo Harmony or Cleo VLTrader application is started. Either manually start the router by clicking
or select
Automatically run at startup.
- The automated routing directory defaults to autoroute\ in the Cleo Harmony or Cleo VLTrader home directory. The defined set of routing rules are automatically applied to files or subdirectories placed in this directory. Click ... to select a different autoroute directory.
- Click Find Route to find an existing route by filename or EDI parameters.
- Click New Route to define a new routing rule.
At least one routing criterion is required - either a filename or EDI header map. The filename can be wildcarded (for example, *.dcx) and applies to files and subdirectories alike. If the mailbox protocol supports it, subdirectories can be used to send multipart payload messages. More than one filename can be listed separated by either a comma (,) or a semicolon (;). EDI routes only apply to single file routes and not subdirectory routes.
- Click New to define a new EDI criterion.
The Note field is used to capture trading partner or other relevant information – it is not an EDI criteria for routing. When searching for a route (Step 4 above), wildcard characters (* and ?) can be used in the Note field.
The … buttons are present when Trading Partners are available for selection. See Managing Trading Partners. These buttons allow the user to display the Trading Partners and configured Interchange Identifiers/Qualifiers.
If a Trading Partner Alias is selected along with Use All Interchange Identifiers/Qualifiers, then a trading partner alias variable will be used. This will match any of the Interchange Identifiers/Qualifiers configured for the Trading Partner. If Use All Interchange Identifiers/Qualifiers is not selected, then the user can select a specific Interchange Identifier/Qualifier pair to be used. Once the selections have been made and the OK button is selected, then the selection will be placed in the appropriate fields depending on which … button was selected.
EDI-X12, UN/EDIFACT, and TRADACOMS file formats are recognized when routing by interchange sender and/or receiver, functional group application sender and/or receiver, and/or transaction type:
Criteria Corresponding EDI elements EDI-X12 UN/EDIFACT TRADACOMS Interchange Sender ISA06 UNB02:1 STX02:1 Receiver ISA08 UNB03:1 STX03:1 Functional Group App Sender GS02 UNG06:1 App Receiver GS03 UNG07:1 Transaction Type(s) ST01 UNH09:1 MHD02 An EDI file can potentially be split across multiple routes as long as each segment of the file has one and only one route defined. If there are undefined or doubly-defined segments in a file being routed, those segments will be rejected and filtered into the system reject box (see Specifying default host directories). More than one transaction type can be listed separated by either a comma (,) or a semicolon (;).
- A To mailbox must be selected and one or more Cc mailboxes can also be selected. Click in the cell and a pull-down list can be used to select the appropriate host\mailbox. When routing, a file is sent to each mailbox selected concurrently.
You can specify sending parameters that override the default parameters in the mailbox's default <send> action (for example,[Content-Type]=Binary or ReceiverId=CHASE).
- When a route first initiates, the file/subdirectory being routed is marked as read-only so that no further updates can be made to the file(s). Temporary send actions (named <send%########## >) are created and used during the routing process. While a route is active, the status of the route can be displayed. Right-click a routing rule and select Status or double-click the routing rule.
- If the route attempt should fail, the status will reflect the result. Retries are automatically scheduled based on "Autosend Retry Attempts" and "Autosend Restart" (see Other system options). To force an immediate retry, right-click a file and select Retry Now. To cancel a routing, right-click a file and select Cancel or double-click the file.
If the route file is being split across multiple routes, only the segments being routed to this mailbox based on this routing rule are canceled.
- Once all the routes for a file/subdirectory are complete, the file/subdirectory is automatically deleted.
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