Note: This section applies to the Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader applications only.
The transfers page provides a tabular report of the transfers of individual files, reporting transfers sent/received due to a client action and transfers sent/received through server operations. When processing multiple files, each file transfer is recorded individually when the actual file transfer begins. The transfer status is updated when the transfer is completed.
To access transfers in the web UI, click Transfers in the top menu bar.
- The transfer status page displays the following columns of information: Start Time, Status, Node, Folder, Host, Mailbox,Direction, File, Protocol, and Run Type. These columns are resizable and reorderable. To resize, click and drag the column separator. To reorder, click and drag the column headers. Table columns are also sortable by clicking on the column headers. This column configuration will autosave after you make your changes.
- You can search or filter within these tables using the drop-down menus or search fields at the top of each column.
Resending and re-receiving - Web UI
Note: This section applies to the Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader applications only.
If you wish to resend or re-receive a tranfer file, right-click on the row of the transfer in the table and select the option in the context menu. If the resend or re-receive option is available, it will appear in the right-click menu. Additionally, when a transfer is selected, the corresponding button for resend or re-receive will be enabled if the option is available. The resend and re-receive operations will run as a new transfer as a background operation. To see updated information on the resent or re-received file, refresh the data by clicking the refresh link at the bottom of the table. The Run Type column of the transfers table will display whether transfers have been resent or rereceived.
Transfer Report generation - Web UI
Note: This section applies to the Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader applications only.
To generate a transfer report and export as an .xlsx file, click the icon in the lower right corner of the screen. A transfer report will generate a document with the applied filters, sort, and column order.
View Information - Web UI
Note: This section applies to the Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader applications only.
If any single transfer is selected, the View Information button is available. A shortcut to this option is to double-click or right-click the row and select the option in the context menu. Note that viewing information will be unavailable when a transfer is in progress.
The View Information panel has two tabs. One displays general information about the transfer, and the other displays log events related to the transfer. Within this panel, you can always view the data in a new tab or to download it in a .html format. These buttons are located in the top right corner of the View Information panel.
View Information - Info tab
The Info tab displays the details of the specific transfer.
View Information - Events tab
The Events tab displays the events related to a transfer.
- The Transfer Events check box shows all of the log events related to the selected transfer.
- The Other Events check box shows all of the log events unrelated to the selected transfer. The other events will range from two minutes before the start time and two minutes after the stop time of the selected transfer.
View File - Web UI
Note: This section applies to the Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader applications only.
For any single transfer, when the View File option is selected, a dialog box appears and displays the file's contents. By default, the character representation of the file is displayed. It is also possible to display the file in a hexadecimal dump representation. This allows the display of binary data, a useful tool when looking for specific control characters. It is not possible to change the file's contents; this display is view-only.
Download File - Web UI
Note: This section applies to the Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader applications only.
If any single transfer is selected, the Download File button is available. A shortcut to this option is to right-click the row and select theDownload File option from the context menu. Note that a file cannot be downloaded if the size exceeds 2GB.
Advanced filtering options for Transfers
Advanced filtering options are used to pre-filter data from the server side before it reaches your Transfers page. To access these options, click the Pre-Filter (Server-Side) button in the button row:
The Pre-filter Data (server-side) dialog box appears:
Use this dialog box to control settings for pre-filtering data before it appears on your Transfers page.
Setting | Description |
Start Time | Use the Start Time drop-down menu to choose a start time for pre-filtering. The start time is bound to the full Transfers list start time. |
Status | Use the Status field to filter by status. Select from In Progress, Successes, Errors, Warnings, and None. |
Nodes | Use the Nodes option to filter by specific nodes. You can toggle this from a drop-down menu to a text field by clicking the down arrow button. Click the field to open the drop-down menu or, when toggled to text, enter text. Note: Some users will not be able to see all Nodes. This will depend on specific system privileges. Nodes are live and if a node is offline, it will not appear in the drop-down menu and must be manually entered in the text field. |
Direction | Use the Direction drop-down menu to filter by Incoming, Outgoing, or All transfers. |
Folders | Use the Folders option to filter by specific folders. You can toggle this from a drop-down menu to a text field by clicking the down arrow button. Click the field to open the drop-down menu or, when toggled to text, enter text. |
Hosts | Use the Hosts option to filter by specific hosts. You can toggle this from a drop-down menu to a text field by clicking the down arrow button. Click the field to open the drop-down menu or, when toggled to text, enter text. |
File | Use the File field to enter a file name to filter by. |
Protocol | Use the Protocol field to enter a protocol to filter by. |
Run Type | Use the Run Type option to filter by specific run types. You can toggle this from a drop-down menu to a text field by clicking the down arrow button. Click the field to open the drop-down menu or, when toggled to text, enter text. |
When you have finished making changes to your settings, click Apply to apply the settings and close the dialog box. Click View to see all the filters selected.
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