In the web UI, go to Transfers from the menu bar.
. In the native UI, clickThis panel is used to determine if and how transfers are recorded. The following describes the different parameters available. The Database and XML File sections are dimmed based on the Transfer Logging option you select.
- Transfer Logging
- Determines if Transfer Logging is enabled and whether a database or xml files are to be used.
- Transfer Database
- The following fields are enabled when you select Database from the Transfer Logging menu.
- Database
- A menu from which you select the database to use for transfer logging.
- Test Database Connection
- Click this button to attempt to create a database connection using the selected database. The system will indicate success or failure.
- Export Database Definition
- Click this button to export SQL statements used to create the database tables for the specified Driver String and selected EDI and payload options to be exported to an SQL script file.
- Automatically purge logged transfers older than n day(s)
- When enabled, VersaLex will purge the database every 8 hours of logged transfers older than the configured number of days.
- Update Frequency
- While the transfer is in-process, the frequency (in seconds) with which the database is updated with the current transfer bytes and seconds. Set this value to 0 to disable in-process updates.
- Track file content
- Enables tracking feature where identifier and transactional data within EDI, XML and text files can be tracked. All tracked data is stored in additional database tables. See Transfer database fields.
- Use the database for incoming/outgoing payload
- Extended transfer feature that uses the database as the payload repository rather than the file system.
- Temporarily disable transfer database
- While disabled, transfers are saved to disk and logged once the database is again available. This includes both base transfer and additional EDI log entries. You can set a limit to the number of transfer log entries to save while the database is unavailable. See Maximum Saved Database Transfer Log Entries in Other system options.
- Additional Serial Numbers
- When using database transfer logging, transfers from other VersaLex installs can be added to transfer reports (see Viewing transfer status).
- Transfer XML File
- The following field is enabled when you select XML File from the Transfer Logging menu.
The files created by this option can be found in ..Harmony/logs/xfer%date%.xml. -
- Number of days before archiving the XML log
- Each day’s transfers are logged to a separate file. This option defines the number of days before the transfer history is archived.
File tracking
When you select the Track file content check box and click Configure file tracking on the tab, the File Tracking Options dialog box is displayed.
Use this dialog box as a starting point to configure all file tracking options. It consists of three sections: Tracking Configuration, File Tracking List, and Properties.
- Tracking Configuration
- Enable one or more of the three types of tracking available: EDI, XML, and text.
- Track EDI content
- When you select the Track EDI content check box on the File Track Options dialog box, EDI tracking is enabled and baseline EDI identifier information, such as interchanges and functional groups, are tracked. See EDI tracking fields for detailed information on the data collected in the database.
- Track XML content
- Select the check box to enable XML content tracking.
- Track text content
- Select the check box to enable text tracking.
- File Tracking List
- A summary of all the reference information to be tracked. You can add new EDI, XML, and text items to track.
- New EDI
- Click New EDI to add a new EDI item to the File Tracking List. See EDI Reference in EDI tracking.
- New XML
- Click New XML to add a new XML item to the File Tracking List. See XML Reference in XML tracking.
- New Text
- Click New Text to add a new Text item to the File Tracking List. See Text tracking.
- Properties
- Reference 1 Display Name
- Reference 2 Display Name
- Optional - Specify the names to use in the transfer reports for the two storage areas designated for reference information. These names can then subsequently be seen in transfer report detail views, as seen through the View Information right-click option.
EDI tracking
EDI Tracking Exclusions
When you click Edit Exclusions for the EDI Tracking Exclusion field on the File Tracking Options dialog box, the Edit EDI Exclusions dialog box appears.
- Exclude all non-production trading partner connections
- Exclude specific trading partner connections: Select items from the list that correspond to the trading partners you want to exclude from tracking.
- Exclude specific folders: Select items from the list that correspond to the folders you want to exclude from tracking.
- Exclude specific hosts\mailboxes\actions: Select items from the list that correspond to the hosts, mailboxes, or actions you want to exclude from tracking.
All exclusions are considered independently. For example, assume you select Exclude all non-production trading partner connectionsand newTradingPartner1 in the Trading Partners section and AS2 in the hosts\mailboxes\actions section. With these selections, a file processed through the system will be excluded from tracking if its action is associated with the AS2 host, or its action is associated withnewTradingPartner1, or its action is associated with a non-production trading partner connection.
EDI Reference
The New EDI Reference dialog box is displayed when you click New EDI in the File Tracking List in the File Tracking Options dialog box. The Edit EDI Reference dialog box is displayed when you double-click an EDI item or right-click an EDI item and then select Edit in the File Tracking List.
In New EDI Reference or Edit EDI Reference dialog box, specify values for the following fields:
- EDI Configuration
- EDI Type
- Transaction Type
- Choose an type of EDI transaction and then a transaction type for which you want to specify a reference.
- Extract data on inbound transfers
- Extract data on outbound transfers
- Select these check boxes to track this reference on inbound and outbound transfers, respectively. You can select either or both.
- Extract data only if segment
- Select this check box to track this reference when the segment, element, and subelement meet the conditions you specify. If you select this check box, you must specify values for segment and element. The subelement is optional.
- Identifier Data
- The system automatically tracks identifier data, regardless of any other settings on the Edit EDI Reference dialog box. There are no settings or fields for you to configure.
- Transactional Data
- Specify one or more records in the Transactional Data table.
- Insert a new row - Click New to insert a new row in the table and display the Extract Transactional Reference dialog box with none of the fields populated.
- Edit a row - Right-click a row and select Edit or double-click a row to display the Extract Transactional Reference dialog box populated with data from the selected row.
Extract Transactional Reference
- Extract segment
- element
- [subelement]
- Identify a segment, element, and subelement you want to track.
- only if
- element
- [subelement]
- Select this check box to track this reference when the element and subelement meet the conditions you specify. If you select this check box, you must specify a value for the element field. The subelement is optional.
- Storage Location for Extracted Data
- Specify where to store the collected reference data. Each reference collected will be separated by commas, and optionally preceded by the label, when it is displayed through the View Information right-click option under transfer reporting.
- Reference 1
- Reference2
- Select the reference in which to store the data.
- Reference Label
- Optional: a label for the reference.
XML tracking
XML Tracking Exclusions
When you click Edit Exclusions for the XML Tracking Exclusion field on the File Tracking Options dialog box, the Edit XML Exclusions dialog box appears.
- Exclude all non-production trading partner connections
- Exclude specific trading partner connections: Select items from the list that correspond to the trading partners you want to exclude from tracking.
- Exclude specific folders: Select items from the list that correspond to the folders you want to exclude from tracking.
- Exclude specific hosts\mailboxes\actions: Select items from the list that correspond to the hosts, mailboxes, or actions you want to exclude from tracking.
All exclusions are considered independently. For example, assume you select Exclude all non-production trading partner connections, and newTradingPartner1 in the trading partners section and AS2 in the hosts\mailboxes\actions section. With these selections, a file processed through the system will be excluded from tracking if its action is associated with the AS2 host, or its action is associated with newTradingPartner1, or its action is associated with a non-production trading partner connection.
XML Reference
The New XML Reference dialog box is displayed when you click New XML in the File Tracking List in the File Tracking Options dialog box. The Edit XML Reference dialog box is displayed when you double-click an XML item or right-click an XML item and then select Editin the File Tracking List.
In New XML Reference or Edit XML Reference dialog box, specify values for the following fields:
- XML Configuration
- Description
- A unique description of this reference.
- Extract data on inbound transfers
- Extract data on outbound transfers
- Select these check boxes to track this reference on inbound and outbound transfers, respectively. You can select either or both.
- Identify XML files by
- Define the means by which the tracking software should identify the XML files being considered.
- Identifier Data
- Unlike EDI tracking, where the identifier data is automatically tracked when EDI tracking is enabled, XML tracking requires the user to specify the paths to the desired identifier nodes. Fill in the node entries in the Identifier Data table to provide path information. Specify nodes in the following ways:
- using a proper XPath notation for the XML element or attribute. The subset of W3C characters that are supported are A-Za-z0-9._/@\-. See for a complete description of XPath. For Document Type and Document Date/Time you can concatenate two XPaths together by using an ampersand (&) between the two XPath elements.
- using a string literal enclosed in double quotation marks. In this case, the tracking software merely passes the literal straight through for storage in the database.
- Transactional Data
- Specify one or more records in the Transactional Data table.
- Insert a new row: Click New to insert a new row in the table and display the Extract Transactional Reference dialog, with none of the fields populated.
- Edit a row: Right-click a row and select Edit or double-click a row to display the Extract Transactional Reference dialog, populated with data from the selected row.
Extract Transactional Reference
- Extract node
- Identify a node you want to track.
- only if node
- Select this check box to apply a condition. If you select the check box, you must also specify a path and a value for comparison.
- Storage Location for Extracted Data
- Specify where to store the collected reference data. Each reference collected will be separated by commas, and optionally preceded by the label, when it is displayed through the View Information right-click option under transfer reporting.
- Reference 1
- Reference2
- Select the reference in which to store the data.
- Reference Label
- Optional - a label for the reference.
Text tracking
Text Reference
Use the Edit Text Reference dialog box to enter a unique description describing this reference, specify whether you want to track this reference on inbound transfers, outbound transfers or both, and specify tracking inclusions.
- Text Configuration
- Description
- A unique description of this reference.
- Extract data on inbound transfers
- Extract data on outbound transfers
- Select these check boxes to track this reference on inbound and outbound transfers, respectively. You can select either or both.
- Tracking Inclusions
- Unlike EDI and XML tracking, where you can optionally specify items to be excluded from tracking, for text tracking, you specify items you want included in tracking. You must specify at least one inclusion. Also, unlike EDI and XML, where the exclusions are specified at global level, for text tracking, inclusions are specified for each individual reference.
- Only track files named
- Select the check box and specify a filename to which you want to limit tracking. You can use regular expressions and wildcards to specify a filename.
- Lines
- Within the Lines container:
- enter a Fixed line length or a Variable line delimiter. Line delimiters cam be either a single character or '\n' (newline) or '\\' (backslash).
- optionally specify Number of header lines to skip before parsing.
- Fields
Within the Fields container
Choose whether fields will specified by character position (Positional (n:m)) or by field number (Delimited by). When fields are separated by a delimiter, the delimiter character may be either a single character or '\t' (tab).
Identifier Data
Unlike EDI, where the identifier data is automatically tracked when EDI tracking is engaged, for text you must specify the text fields you want to track. Right-click a row in the Identifier Data table and select Edit to display a dialog box where you can enter information about the data to extract. Use the following fields to enter this information:
- Extract Field
- Enter information about the field in one of the following ways:
Extract Transactional Reference
- Extract field
- Identify a field you want to track.
- only on line number
- Select the radio button and specify the line number from which to extract the data. You cannot select both this radio button and the only if field radio button.
- only if field
- Select the radio button and specify criteria to select the field from which to extract the data. You cannot select both this radio button and the only on line number radio button.
- Storage Location for Extracted Data
- Specify where to store the collected reference data. Each reference collected will be separated by commas, and optionally preceded by the label, when it is displayed through the View Information right-click option under transfer reporting.
- Reference 1
- Reference2
- Select the reference in which to store the data.
- Reference Label
- Optional - a label for the reference.
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