The Operator Audit Trail application keeps a record of updates made by users using the VersaLex and Cleo VLNavigator user interfaces. You can view, save, and print reports based on these records.
Configuring Operator Audit Trail
Before you can configure any applications, including the Operator Audit Trail, you must have a database configured for the Cleo VLNavigator software to use. See Applications.
In the Cleo VLNavigator tree pane, select Operator Audit Trail under Applications.
The Settings tab appears.
- On the Settings tab, select the Application enabled check box.
Optional - configure the application to purge old events automatically. On the Settings tab, select the Automatically purge Operator Audit Trail events after # days and enter the number of days.
Events older that the number of days you specify are deleted from the database.
- Click Apply to save your configuration.
Once you have enabled the Operator Audit Trail application, any user updates made using the VersaLex and Cleo VLNavigator user interfaces are logged to the database for all users.
In addition to the Application settings, there are User Group Application settings, where you can enable or disable the application for an entire user group. If disabled for a user group, the audit trail will still be logged for these users, but they will not be able to view the audit trail.
Viewing the Operator Audit Trail
Use the Cleo VLNavigator application to view the Operator Audit Trail. For information about the report itself, see About the Operator Audit Trail Report.
In the tree pane, right-click the Users folder, a specific User Group folder or a specific User.
For a Users folder, the audit trail includes the audit events for all users in the user groups to which the logged-in user has access. For the Administrator users, this will always include all users.
For a specific User Group folder, the audit trail includes the audit events for all users in the selected user groups.
For a specific User, the audit trail includes the audit events only for the selected user. You can select multiple users from a single user group and display the audit trail for those users.
Select View Operator Audit Trail from the drop-down menu.
The Operator Audit Trail Report Filter dialog box appears.
- Optional - Specify filter criteria. See Filtering the Operator Audit Trail.
Click Generate to display the report.
The Operator Audit Trail Report appears.
- Optional - Click Filter after you generate the report to filter the report again.
Filtering the Operator Audit Trail
The Operator Audit Trail Report Filter dialog box is displayed when you select the View Operator Audit Trail option for all users, a User Group or a specific User. Use the Operator Audit Trail Report Filter dialog box to filter the report based on a time period and other criteria you specify.
- Optional - Click Open to read a set of previously saved filter criteria into the fields in the dialog box.
Specify a time period for which you want to see audit trail data.
Use the From and To fields to specify starting and ending times for the reporting period.
Select other criteria from the following tabs.
- Use the Hosts/Mailboxes tab to select hosts and mailboxes for which you want to see audit trail events that have been logged. The Include Folder(s) list controls what is displayed in the Include Host(s)\Mailbox(es) list. The Include Host(s)\Mailbox(es) list also contains a Show Mailboxes option. If selected, the list displays down to the mailbox level. If cleared, it only displays hosts.
- Use the Service/Config/Misc tab to select services, configurations, and other miscellaneous items for which you want to see audit trail events. The Services list contains system-level runnable items. The Configurations list contains system-level configuration items. The Misc Items list contains other miscellaneous items that do not fall into the other categories.
- Use the Event tab to select events for which you want to see audit trail information. The Event Types list contains all the different event types saved. CA Cert Events and User Cert Events are special in that they are a series of events themselves.
- Use the Systems tab to select pools and instances of VersaLex for which you want to see audit trail information. Only the pools configured in the Cleo VLNavigator application are available from this list.
Use the Sort By field to specify the initial sort for the report.
Choose from the following:
- Date/Time only
- Item Name
- Username then Item Name
- Username
All but the first sort options listed also sort by date/time when the other criteria match.
- Optional - Click Save As to save your filter criteria as an XML file. Click Close to close the dialog box without saving.
- Optional - Open allows the user to read a previously saved Filter into the panel. Save As saves the current filter to an XML file. This file can either be used with Open or as input to the command line reporting. Generate generates the report and displays the report screen. Close closes the filter dialog box. Help displays the part of the user manual associated with the filter dialog.
About the Operator Audit Trail Report
The Operator Audit Trail Report displays a sorted table based on the criteria selected in the filter. You can sort the table based on any column by clicking on the column header. Clicking on the column header that already contains the sorting arrow will reverse the order from ascending to descending (or vice versa).
Report content
The report contains the following information for each event.
- Date/Time
- The date and time of the operator event.
- Computer Name
- The name of the computer where the user interface is active. In the case of a Web-based UI, the IP address is shown in this column.
- Serial Number
- The serial number of the VersaLex software on which the modification occurred.
- Username
- The name of the logged-in user.
- Item Type
- Item Name
- Information regarding the item with which this event is associated. You specify the items included in the report using filter criteria. See Filtering the Operator Audit Trail.
The command buttons at the bottom of the panel allow various actions on the data.
- Filter
- Displays the Operator Audit Trail Report Filter dialog box allowing you to change filter criteria.
- Refresh
- Refreshes the data based on the filter to display any new events.
- Save as CSV
- Opens a dialog box in which you can select a file location and file name to store a .CSV file of the data in the table.
- Generate HTML Report
- Displays the filter dialog box again. Update the filter if necessary and select Generate to display an HTML version of the file. While the HTML version of the file is displayed, you can click Save As to save the HTML file.
Drilling down into report data
Once you have generated a report, you can drill down into the report data. Double-click a row or right-click a row and select View from the menu to display information from that row in a separate dialog box. If there is any addition information stored about the event in this row, it is also displayed in the dialog box. You can also print the data in the dialog box using Print or use Close to dismiss the dialog box.
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