The Project Explorer view is where objects (and other resources) can be created, managed, and organized within Projects, Packages, and folders.
View Bar
The view bar offers these tools:
- Collapse All
- Link with Editor
- View Menu
- Minimize
- Maximize
View Menu
The View Menu offers these selections:
- Top Level Elements: These options allow for designating the top (or outer-most) level of resources to display. Choices are: Projects and Working Sets.
- Select Working Set: Opens the Select Working Set window, which allows for selecting a Working Set.
- Deselect Working Set: Deselects the current Working Set.
- Edit Active Working Set: Opens the Edit Working Set window, which allows for modifying the current Working Set.
- {Working Sets}: If any Working Sets exist, they are listed here.
- Package Presentation: Choices are: Flat and Hierarchical.
- Customize View: Produces the Available Customizations window, which allows for selecting filters to show/hide various artifacts.
- Link with Editor: When multiple files are open for editing, you can configure one of the navigation views to automatically bring an open file to the foreground, thus making its editor active every time.
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