Once they have been started, these objects detect incoming requests and can process them based on the additional configurations you make with other objects. For example, a consumer could request and obtain information about a specific purchase order in your database.
This object supports both SOAP/WSDL and REST methods.
Web Service Provider (SOAP/WSDL)
This Web Service Provider (SOAP/WSDL) object generates a WSDL when activated. The WSDL (Web Service Definition Language) file contains definitions of the operations/services available, and the schemas that the consumer needs in order to form their request message and understand the provider's response message. Using the Web Service Provider (SOAP/WSDL) editor, you define the services (Name, External Address, and Port) and operations to be available, and specify the request XML Schema (Input Schema) and response XML Schemas (Output Schema), if necessary.
Note: You must have a request XML Schema and optionally a response XML Schema. XML Schemas must be created from XSDs in the XML Schema Wizard.
You will want to modify your Business Process(es) to disassemble the request XML message, including any internal operations to gather the information requested by the consumer and then assemble a response XML message. The SendSoapReply task used for that response message is pre-supplied in the Business Process.
Web Service Provider (REST)
A wizard assists with creating this object. Upon saving the Web Service Provider (REST) object, Clarify automatically:
- constructs both the HTTP and HTTPS versions of the URL (Location of service), which can then be provided to consumers
- generates a Business Process
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