Creating Data Sources
Use a Data Source to provide the connection information Clarify needs to access a database.
- Select File | New | Data Source from the main menu bar.
Note: If you select the Package in which the File Adapter should reside before creating it, some parameters are automatically populated in the New Data Source window.
- Provide the Source folder, Package, and Name.
- Click Finish. An editor appears.
Defining Data Sources
Use a Data Source to enable Clarify to connect to a database, and specify the tables, views, and columns of the database will be referenced.
- Under JDBC Driver, in the Classpath field, click the Add button to specify the path to your database. Either:
- Click the Browse button to locate the database
- Click the Global Variable button to select a Global Variable.
- Click on the Driver Name field to specify the driver to use to connect to the database.
Note: JDBC drivers must meet the version requirements set by the database type.
- Under Connection Information, in the URL field, either:
- Type the database's URL.
- Click the Global Variable button to select a Global Variable.
- In the Username field, either:
- Type the username needed to access the database.
- Click the Global Variable button to select a Global Variable.
- In the password parameter, type the password needed to access the database.
- If you want to encrypt the password, select the Encrypted Password checkbox.
- If your database uses/supports catalogs, specify one in the Catalog parameter.
Note: Both catalog and schema support varies depending on the database. If your database does not use/support them, just leave the fields blank.
- If your database uses/supports schemas, specify one in the Default Schema field.
Note: This field refers to the schema that your database uses. It does not refer to a Schema object.
- In the top-right corner of the Data Source editor, click the Test Connection button to ensure Clarify can successfully connect to the database.
- Under Database Metadata, click the Fetch Metadata button to populate the Tables and Views area.
- Customize the tables and columns that Clarify will reference.
- Under Tables and Views, you can see the columns within a table by clicking on the table name.
- You can remove a table you do not need to use with Clarify by highlighting it and clicking the Remove Table(s)/View(s) button.
- You can remove a column you do not need to use with Clarify by highlighting it and clicking the Remove Column(s) button.
- Click Save to complete this task.
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