The Status page in the 7.4.3 Streem Print Client is blank, even though the Streem Print user recently sent a fax and it is confirmed to either be going out or have gone out in the past 30 minutes
In order for the Status Page to work, both the Fax Track page must work and the IIS server Default Web Site needs to be bound to HTTPS on port 443
1. Ensure that the Streem Notify Fax Trackers page (http://StreemServerhttpstreemalert/track.php requirements have been met:
- The Streem AMQ Client Service must be configured to use the Streem Center Service user.
- And the following line is uncommented in %STREEM_CENTER_PATH%\Services\activemq\conf\activemq.xml:
<transportConnector name="mqtt" uri="mqtt+nio://"/>
2. To secure the Default web site with the WMSVC Certificate:
- Launch Internet Information Services Manager
- Expand the server and under sites, select the Default Web Site and in the Actions Pane, under Edit Site, click Bindings...
- In the site Bindings window, click the button
- In the Add Site Binding window:
- Select https in the Type: drop down.
- In the Host name: field, enter it exactly as the Streem Print Clients are connecting to the server (e.g. FQDN if they are connecting to the FQDN).
- In the SSL certificate: drop down, select WMSVC
- Click the button
- After the binding has been added, click the button on the Site Bindings window.
- Restart the World Wide Web Publishing Service.
3. Once the web site has been configured, to enable the Streem Print Client Status page, add the following line to the <streemprint> section in xtreem.xml:
<status-page-query-params value="https://servername/streemalert/trackfax.php?sp=1&uname={{uname}}&email={{email}}" />
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