The server cluster must be completely down for an Operating System backup or Windows Update to not have a negative impact on the system. This is due to the other components of the cluster that are not halted during a suspension, such as the internal program that allows cluster nodes to communicate with each other, as well as database activity.
Note: Automating a complete reboot of a cluster will require many more utilities than the scripts currently provided.
This is the recommended procedure:
- Launch the clarify_ctl.bat -suspendCluster command to suspend the cluster (this can be automated with our script).
- Launch the clarify_ctl.bat -shutdownCluster command to shut down the Clarify Windows service (this can be automated with our script).
- Shutdown cis-conductor Windows services on each node (must be done by user unless custom scripts are created).
- Shutdown postgresql-9.4 Windows service on Database machine (must be done by user unless custom scripts are created).
Once complete, the startup procedure would be:
- Turn on “postgresql-9.4” Windows service on Database machine (must be done by the user unless custom scripts are created).
- Turn on “cis-conductor” Windows services on each node (must be done by the user unless custom scripts are created).
- Turn on “Clarify” Windows services on each node (must be done by the user unless custom scripts are created).
- Launch “clarify_ctl.bat -resumeCluster” command (this can be automated with a script).
Note: For instructions on how to perform updates while the server cluster remains on-line, refer to the Online User Guide:
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