There are three types of rules available in a Ruleset.
Simple (Action) rules
A Ruleset Action performs some form of operation on data during a transformation run. Every rule in a Ruleset is defined by an Action; these can be one of the many pre-canned Actions supplied with the CIC Studio, or those custom Actions you create.
Composite rules
A Composite Rule is a parent rule used within a Ruleset usually for reading or writing records or segments. They can also be used to group rules together. There are Composite Rules that can be used for data grouping (EDI, Database, and Flat File) and node grouping (inbound EDI).
Switch rules
Switch Rules are a subset of rules you can define once but use multiple times throughout your Ruleset (Version 2 only). They operate similarly to switches in Java by giving you the ability to filter a generic list of objects. Unlike Java, a Switch will exit automatically as soon as a case is matched. Switch rules must contain Type Guards, Case Conditions, or both.
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