Update Note: Cloud Monitors are no longer necessary when building integrations in the current generation of CIC Studio. Instead, the user can directly set an Event from within the CIC Cockpit when creating a Data Flow using a transformation Endpoint. All other functionality remains the same. Please refer to the Defining the Event in Transformation Endpoints section of Managing Endpoints.
The information below applies to older generations of the CIC.
The Cleo Integration Cloud (CIC) Studio uses two specific resources to send and receive data between the Studio and CIC Cockpit and ultimately between your trading partners and customers. These are the Cloud Monitor and Cloud Adapter.
The Cloud Monitor checks for messages on specific Endpoints in your Tenant (created in CIC), and then launches an Event (to execute a Business process) as a result of detection. This is the way data can be brought into the Studio for further transformation.
To create the Cloud Monitor:
- Select File > New > Cloud Monitor from the main menu bar. Note: If you select the Package in which the monitor should reside before creating it, some parameters are automatically populated in the New Cloud Monitor window.
- Provide the Source folder, Package, and Name.
- Click Ok. An editor appears.
To define the Cloud Monitor:
Place your cursor in the Event field and select from a list of existing Events. To create an Event, click the hyperlinked Event field label. The Event will launch when selected endpoints are identified (and pass parameters to a Business Process).
Note on parameters passed using Cloud Monitors: While some pre-supplied Events (ReceiveEDI, for example) are preset with certain parameters, you can create custom events to pass other CIC metadata parameters using Cloud Monitors - a requirement for non-EDI transformations.
(In CIC, you'll need to have an Endpoint, and a Dataflow connected to that Endpoint).
Parameters that can be passed include:
- payload
- endpointId
- endpointName
- jobId
- fieId
- fileName
Note: you'll need to configure the Event parameters so that these the reserved words are captured. For example, if you plan to use fileName to capture the name from an SPE endpoint (ex: partner mailbox), then you would configure a parameter called fileName on the Event object in Studio.
- From the Settings section, add Endpoints to be monitored. Only Endpoints associated with your Tenant will be available.
- To enable the Monitor to automatically start whenever your Integration Engine starts (eliminating the need for a manual start), select the Run as service checkbox.
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