This feature helps you quickly generate Projects by using an existing Project as a template. The CIC Studio replicates the template Project and its resources, updates new resource names, re-configures enveloping and trading partner info (for EDI Projects), maintains resource dependencies, and updates other attributes and values to automatically reflect the newly generated Project.
Using the Project Generator saves time and development effort, especially when similar Project resources have to be repeatedly built and tested each time a new trading partner is brought on-board, or a non-EDI integration needs to be implemented.
You can also create multiple Projects at once based on sample data, trading partner information, or other Projects. The feature supports both EDI and non-EDI integration Projects, and can also intelligently adapt generated Projects for both inbound and outbound document processing.
Business Use
Standard integration Projects generally require the same working pattern of resources; these often include Schemas, Business Processes, Monitors, Adapters, Inbound and Outbound Routes, Envelopers, Trading Partners, etc. (For non-EDI Projects, not all of these objects would be included). Instead of creating and defining many resources each time you need to create a Project, you can use an existing Project as a template, then work from sample data and replace old template references with new Project references - all with a few clicks of the mouse.
An EDI example
Imagine you have 10 new trading partners that need to be brought on-board; this process entails building the Projects and related objects, configuring the objects, establishing the dependencies between objects, deploying the Projects, and finally testing the Projects - for each trading partner. That could be a considerable amount of development time and effort.
With the Project Generator, however, you can use one existing Project (Template) to create all 10 Projects (one per each trading partner); each Project containing the required resources specific to that trading partner. With some minimal configuration and deployment, all 10 trading partners would be ready to test, and on their way to Production.
A non-EDI example
For non-EDI, you may have an existing XML-to-Spreadsheet integration Project to serve as the template for several new Projects to create. By using the Copy Project feature, you can quickly replicate the Project, Package, and objects, which will also include updated references to shared objects in your Common project.
Another application might be to quickly create a Project for testing purposes. No need to build and configure objects; instead just select the Template, click a button, and your Project is structurally complete enough and ready for testing.
The importance of the Project Template
The structure of the Project to be used as the template determines the effectiveness of the Project Generator. A well-formed Project, with resources clearly identified using recommended naming conventions, as well as logical organization, ensures good Project generation, and limits the amount of required configuration between objects. In addition to recommended naming conventions, there are other recommendations that should be followed when selecting your Project Template.
Using sample EDI data
Along with the Project Template, sample data can be used to generate new Projects. The EDI Sample Data option analyzes sample data (most likely a document obtained from a trading partner) to identify certain required enveloping data, which it then uses to generate a new Project for that trading partner. This option offers a simple but effective way to on-board new trading partners.
This option also supports Data Direction selection, which allows for inbound and outbound document processing.
Using trading partner data (.csv file)
Sometimes sample data contains multiple trading partner information, perhaps because of a migration of trading partner data from another application, or just large-scale sample data. The Trading Partner.csv file option uses inbound trading partner data in the form of a .csv file. This contains enveloping attributes and values for multiple trading partners. The Project Generator parses through this data, and can identify which specific information belongs to a specific trading partner. Based on this, individual Projects can be generated for each trading partner.
Copying Projects
The Copy Project option duplicates a selected Project and renames resources through the use of substitution and replacement values. While the Project Generator copies and renames all Project resources, additional configuration and defining of resources will still need to be performed. This option suits non-EDI Projects.
Shared resources and the CIC Project Generator
A recommended Project design strategy often includes the use of Core projects - commonly used when Sharing Resources. For example, the same inbound or outbound EDI Schema can be shared across multiple Projects. The referencing to these shared objects is part of normal Project configuration. When the Project Template also references shared resources, the Project Generator maintains the referencing in the creation of the new Project(s).
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