These steps describe how to use the Project Generator to create multiple EDI Projects based on trading partner data contained in a .csv file, which includes a defined set of Enveloping Headers that must be populated with your own trading partner information. Cleo provides a csv template file for both X12 and EDIFACT standards.
The Trading Partner.csv file option uses inbound trading partner data in the form of a .csv file. This contains enveloping attributes and values for multiple trading partners. The Project Generator parses through this data, and can identify which specific information belongs to a specific trading partner. Based on this, individual Projects can be generated for each trading partner.
This option is the recommended method when migrating large number of trading partners to your environment, or when sample EDI data may not be available.
Required Enveloping Headers
In order to use this Project Generator option, the Trading Partner csv file must contain certain enveloping headers. Others are optional, and can either be populated with data, removed from the csv file, or left blank. Minimally, these Headers must be populated:
- For X12: Trading Partner, Sender ID (ISA06), and Sender ID Qualifier (ISA07).
- For EDIFACT:Trading Partner, and Interchange Sender ID (UNB02-01)
Obtaining the csv template file
Sample csv template files for both X12 and EDIFACT are available for download through an SVN repository provided by Cleo: See Connecting to the Cleo Repository for access information.
The following prerequisites apply.
- There must be at least one Project in the same Workspace that you’ll be using to generate a new Project.
- Always have the Local Test Server stopped at time of Project generation.
- The Project Template should be a well-structured inbound or outbound EDI project that follows recommended naming conventions and practices.
- Choose the Project Template. This is an existing Project from which you will model the new Project.
To do this, go to the Project Explorer view, select the Project Template and right-click, choosing CIC Project Generator. A wizard appears, displaying the selected Project Template, Template Project Type, and several Operation options.
Note: You can also use the New button.
Just be sure to have the Template Project selected before you do.
The Template Project Type either displays EDI (X12 or EDIFACT) or non-EDI. For this procedure, the type must be EDI.
Operation refers to different options and source data to be used to generate the Project. Choices include EDI Sample Data, Trading Partner .csv file, or Copy Project (non-EDI).
- Select the Trading Partner.csv File operation radio button, and click Next to proceed. The next wizard screen appears, displaying the Project Template, Template Trading Partner Name, and Trading Partner .csv fields.
- Select the Trading Partner.csv file using the Browse button.
Note: If the Trading Partner Data file is either opened or created with a spreadsheet program, you must first format the cells to text in order to avoid having the program suppress leading zeros and format numbers into scientific notation.
- Select or deselect the trading partners for Project generation. This can be done in the Trading Partner Name column. Any selections will result in a generated Project.
Note: Trading partner names can also be edited from the Trading Partner Name column.
- Click Finish to complete this process.
The Project Generator builds a Project, Package, and related resources for each trading partner you select. Each new Project should contain trading partner-specific enveloping information, identifiable resource names, and working shared references to core projects, if applicable. Projects are ready for further inspection, local deployment, and initial testing.
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