Configuration to certain Global Variables is required. This takes place in com.cleo._customer_.booster.shopify.ShopifyGV.
Global Variable | Description |
ShopifyStoreNames | Specifies the Shopify store names being connected to. Multiple store names must be separated by commas. Note that the Shopify Vault entries must be the same as the store name(s). |
ShopifyLeakRate | Shopify has specific rate limits on how many times an API can be invoked (for each API). The throttling limit from Shopify is handled as part of the Booster. If the requests are throttled, the execution waits for the defined time period that is configured in the Global variable settings. The time period configured is in line with the limits defined by Shopify. Default value: 500 |
PollingHours | This is used to retrieve orders from Shopify for the last “n” hours. Default value: 24 |
OrderTags | Shopify allows users to add and remove tags in a specific order. To retrieve an order based on these tags, the user specifies the required tags in this global variable. Multiple tags can be configured by providing comma-separated values (for example tag1, tag2). Note that the values are not case-sensitive. If tag-based filtering is not required, then default values can be removed, and the value can be left blank. Default value: tag1, tag2 |
FinancialStatus | Filters orders by their financial status (for example any, paid, unpaid, void etc. Default value: paid |
FulfillmentStatus | Filters orders by their fulfillment status (for example any, partial, shipped. Default value: unshipped |
HttpErrorCodesToBeIgnoredForTicketCreation | This is used to identify HTTP error codes that need to be flagged as ‘successful job flows’ in the CIC Cockpit. If not mentioned here, the error codes would be flagged as failed jobs in the Cockpit. If a Shopify API request is throttled ( i.e with HTTP 429 Too Many Requests error ), then execution waits as per the time period configured in the global variable - ShopifyLeakRate, and the API request is made again. Since we have a retry logic for throttled requests implemented in the Accelerator, these jobs need not be marked as failures, and hence this global variable is configured with a default value of throttling error code (429). Default value: 429 |
Configure Cleo-provided Reference Tables
Take these steps to configure the Cleo-provided Reference Tables.
- Shopify_product_table
- Shopify_location_id_store_id_table
The Shopify_product_table is a lookup table that contains product records for Shopify items across multiple locations and stores. (This could be used for fulfillment or inventory integration flows, for example). Configuration steps are provided below.
- The following project must be deployed - com.cleo._customer_.booster.shopify
- Create the reference table by running this process - com.cleo._customer_.booster.shopify.products.CreateShopifyProductsRefTableBPS.bps
To verify that that table has been created, go to the Integration tab>Reference Tables section of the Cockpit to confirm.
- Populate the records in the reference table for the stores mentioned in ShopifyStoreNames (ShopifyGV mentioned above) by running the process - com.cleo._customer_.booster.shopify.products.LaunchShopifyProductsBPS.bps.
The Shopify_location_id_store_id_table is a cross-reference table "REFTABLES".shopify_location_id_store_id_table and should be configured with appropriate records (used for integrations that require Shopify location details such as inventory sync flow, for example).
"REFTABLES".shopify_location_id_store_id_table is automatically populated with Shopify-level location details such as shopify_location_id, shopify_location_name, and shopify_store_name. The destination side details should be manually updated by the end-user (for example, the NetSuite Location id corresponds to destination_location_id, and the Netsuite Location name corresponds to destination_location_name).
In order to find the destination location internal Id and destination location Name, please log in to your NetSuite account. Go to Setup> Company>Locations.
- Create the required reference table by running the process - com.cleo._customer_.booster.shopify.locations.CreateLocationIdRefTableBPS.bps.
To verify that that table has been created, go to the Integration tab>Reference Tables section of the Cockpit to confirm.
- Populate location records in the reference table for the stores mentioned in ShopifyStoreNames (ShopifyGV mentioned above) by running the process com.cleo._customer_.booster.shopify.locations.LaunchShopifyLocationsBPS.bps. You can populate the location id and name in the target ERP accordingly.
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