A good practice is to occasionally update your Salesforce Connector Projects, especially if they have not been updated for a long time. Changes in your various Salesforce application accounts, such as updated user information (consumer keys or secrets, for example) is another reason for updating.
You can update these Projects using the Cloud Connector Update option in the CIC Studio.
Before you update: It is strongly recommended that users backup their latest, working integration and connector projects before performing any updates to mitigate potential business interruptions. It is also recommended to perform connector updates using the latest version of the studio (at the time of update) to leverage new features and bug fixes.
- From the main menu, select Cloud Connector Update.
- Browse for and select the existing Salesforce Connector Project to be updated. Another option is to right-click on the Salesforce Connector Project in your main menu and select Cloud Connector Update…
- Follow the wizard and edit/provide the required Salesforce account information.
- Please check the Recreate Connector Objects checkbox before clicking Finish in the final window of the wizard.
- Verify the details and click Finish to update the Salesforce connector.
When Salesforce deprecates API versions (and how to avoid problems)
When a Salesforce Connector is being created or updated, it uses the current API(s) version. This API version will be fixed; it does not automatically get updated unless the Connector is updated by the user in the Studio. If Connectors aren't being updated regularly, there is risk that a particular API version used by the Connector may be deprecated by Salesforce. Take the following steps to help avoid this scenario:
- Review the latest Salesforce release notes for deprecated API versions (an example is shown below).
Refer to this example of Salesforce Release Notes to see how deprecated API versions are communicated.
- Check the API version of your Connector. This can be done by opening Salesforce_Enterprise.wsdl, located in the Connector Project's wsdl package. From the Project Explorer, use a simple text editor to open the file, which lists the API version being used. See example below.
- The Salesforce Connector should be updated if the API version is deprecated or will be retired soon.
- Changes to APIs across Salesforce versions can affect existing integration flows. To mitigate this possibility, Cleo recommends that users perform a backup of working Connector Projects and related integration Projects before updating.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Will I see any differences once the upgraded connector is available?
Yes, some differences will be introduced in the upgraded connector. These include:
- Schema changes: In the new version of API, if any schema field that is utilized in an existing integration is removed, then the associated Business Processes will have to be updated to utilize alternative fields.
- API changes: Should any API being utilized in an existing BP be deprecated, then the respective BP will not be available in the upgraded Connector. An alternative BP will need to be used to enable the required integration flow(s).
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