Welcome to Cleo University!
Step 1: Create an account or sign in to the Cleo Solution Center
Step 2: Explore the Cleo University and Home Page which includes the following sections:
- Understanding Training & Registration (You are here)
- Community Video Series
- Course Catalog
- Cleo Learning Subscription
- Cloud Certification Program
- Hyperlinks to Solution Documentation
Training Course Registration
Step 1: Sign in to Cleo Solution Center and navigate to the Course Catalog.
Step 2: Browse Cleo University training courses.
- Courses are separated into three (3) categories: Cloud Edition, Private Cloud Edition, and Streem.
- Select each category title to display a list of available courses.
Step 3: Click on the intended course to navigate to the courses registration page.
- Review the course details, then scroll to the bottom and click "Register Now". (If you do not see the Register Now button please log in to the Cleo Solution Center.)
- Select the “video name” in the Course Date dropdown field
- Fill in additional required fields and click Submit*
*Payment information is NOT required at this step as your company will be billed separately if not paid in advance
Step 4: Await email notifications from Cleo Support and Learning Management System (LMS)
- After registering for a training course you will receive email confirmation via cleointegrationcloud@cleo.com
- Please be patient as we process your training registration. Course registrations are processed in the order in which they are received. It is common to experience a delay until course enrollment has been completed.
- Soon after registering for the course, you will receive email notifications from noreply@talentlms.com with information and instructions on how to proceed.
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