The CIC Studio provides an interface to the Subversion® version control system, which allows users to share their projects on repositories, where they are stored afterwards.
A repository is very similar to a file server. One significant difference is that it not only represents a copy of the file system, but also its previous states and changing history. Subversion® can be accessed over a network, so it provides the possibility for a team to work on shared files and watch for changes. While there are really two functions (version control and project synchronization), there is one system that provides these two functions. Broadly stated, it is a key requirement to be able to keep track of different versions of objects and to share them and synchronize changes between team members. Modern versioning systems perform both functions in a unified way. There is usually integrated tooling that makes the job of versioning and synchronizing even easier, such as diff and merge utilities, locking, auditing, and tagging.
The CIC Studio uses a freely-available client-server version control system from the Apache Software Foundation called Subversion (SVN). SVN is broadly accepted, and generally well known in modern software development shops. The use of version control and project synchronization features in Studio is optional. However, there are many compelling reasons to use it, even if you are the only person in your organization that uses the Studio. Cleo recommends that you learn how to use this tooling from the start. By using SVN, you have a record of every change you’ve made, and you can easily revert to prior versions. You are also able to include a SVN repository in your normal backup routine, protecting your Project assets (and history) from machine failures. In the typical case of multiple users, you are able to control who has access (both read and write), and you can easily keep track of when Projects change and by whom. Version control and Project synchronization tooling is integrated with the tools used to build and maintain objects (the Workbench perspective). There are also separate perspectives in the Studio dedicated to interacting with SVN repositories, useful if you need to focus only on interacting with the repository, adding new Projects, or synchronizing with your teammates.
New to v5.2.10 - Studio Now Supports Git Repositories.
These perspectives support Version control and team synchronization.
- SVN Repository Exploring
- Team Synchronizing
These views support Version control and team synchronization.
- Auditor
- Business Process
- SVN Repository Browser
- SVN Repositories
- SVN Properties
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