CIC enables you to retrieve CIC Agent log data for review and analysis. This can help quickly identify issues and possible solutions.
Downloading Agent Logs
The options for downloading CIC Agent logs depend on the version of CIC Agent you have installed. Cleo recommends that you install the latest version of CIC Agent.
CIC Agent version 1.2.22 or older
If you have CIC Agent version 1.2.22 or older installed, the Send Logs to Cleo button is displayed on the Access Point Edit page. Click this button to create a zip file of the CIC Agent log files associated with this Access Point and send them to Cleo for analysis.
CIC Agent version 1.2.23 or newer
If you have CIC Agent version 1.2.23 or newer, the Get Logs... button is displayed on the Access Point Edit page. Click this button to display a dialog box where you can download log files or generate new ones.
Downloading logs
Click a download button to download the corresponding log file. Log files are downloaded to your local system like any other file downloaded to your browser. If the Recent Logs list is empty, click Request New Logs.
Requesting New Logs
If the logs displayed in the Recent Logs list are not recent enough or there are no logs listed, you can request that new ones be generated. Once generated, logs are available to be downloaded for two weeks.
- Click Request New Logs to display an additional dialog box where you can choose the nodes from which you want download logs.
- Select the nodes you want logs for and click Request Logs.
Agent log files are generated and added to the Recent Logs list. You can download the files from the Recent Logs list.
CIC Agent Log Content
The CIC Agent log download is a zip file containing the contents of the Logs and Conf folders from the CIC Agent installation. Also included is the info.json file, which is generated at the time the log files were requested to capture various details about the CIC Agent.
Controlling the log level
The log level is specified in the file, $AGENT_HOME/conf/logback.xml
. In the excerpt below, the first section controls the log output for the CIC Agent-specific code add the second section is for CIC Agent dependencies. The available log levels are: error, warn, info, debug, and trace.
<logger name="com.cleo.boomvang" level="debug" additivity="false"> <appender-ref ref="RollingFile"/> </logger>
<root level="error" additivity="false">
<appender-ref ref="RollingFile"/> </root>
Enabling debug logging for AWS
To enable AWS SDK debug level logging, add the following to the $AGENT_HOME/conf/logback.xml
<logger name="org.apache.http" level="debug" additivity="false">
<appender-ref ref="RollingFile"/>
<logger name="org.apache.http.wire" level="warn" additivity="false">
<appender-ref ref="RollingFile"/>
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