If you’ve recently migrated to the latest generation of the Cleo Integration Cloud (CIC), you might notice some slight changes to the user experience. This article describes these differences and provides additional information you should know.
The following differences are discussed:
- Changes to Integration Server Management (in both Studio and Cockpit)
- Cloud Monitors are no longer necessary
- Filesystem Endpoints should be used instead of File Monitors and File Adapters
- Changes to API Provider
- Changes to Asynchronous API behavior
- Changes to logging categories
1. Changes to Integration Server Management
Deploying Projects to the Integration Server remains the same, but there are two differences in how you manage the server in both Studio and Cockpit.
- In CIC Studio, the Server Start/Suspend buttons have been removed from the main toolbar; deploying Projects in CIC Studio no longer requires the suspension of the server (transformation engine), and as such the ability to start/stop/suspend the server is no longer available.
There is also no need to manually update the server (this is done automatically), view or apply licenses, or sign in or out.
To conserve system resources, the CIC Studio will automatically log out due to inactivity. Users can log in using the Login button on the Admin Console’s toolbar. The system will also attempt a login when you switch to the Admin Console from a different perspective or click the Relaunch Last Business Process button. - In CIC Studio, the following views have been removed from the Admin Console:
- Resource Monitors View
- Activity View
- In CIC Cockpit, the ability to restart the transformation engine from the Admin>Systems tab is no longer available; the tab has been removed.
These changes are part of ongoing CIC improvements to provide the continuous delivery of on-demand updates, enhancements, and fixes while limiting server downtime and increasing overall platform stability. Consider the server always on, and thereby at the ready to roll out innovative changes and upgrades, while eliminating daily environmental impacts sometimes caused by manual server maintenance.
2. Certain Monitors are no longer necessary
In older CIC generations, the Cloud Monitor is an object that would check for messages on specific Endpoints and launch an Event (to execute a Business process) as a result of detection. The main configuration of the Cloud Monitor was to select the Event. This is no longer necessary. Now, data can be brought into the Integration Server for further transformation using your Data Flow created in the CIC Cockpit.
To do this, simply set an Event (and related Business Process) from within the CIC Cockpit as part of Data Flow creation (with a Transformation Endpoint), shown below. Any deployed Event in your workspace will be available for selection as you build the Data Flow.
A related change is the removal of the Resource Monitors view from the Admin Console, which was used to monitor and manage Cloud Monitors.
Related Topics
3. Filesystem Endpoints should be used instead of File Monitors and File Adapters
In the latest CIC generation, File Monitors and File Adapters are no longer used going forward. Instead, the use of File System Endpoints should be incorporated into your integrations.
A File System Endpoint allows a folder or directory to be accessible from an Access Point server—a local file system, a mounted network file system, or on a Windows Access Point, a UNC path—to act as a source or destination for data transfer.
4. Changes to API Provider
In older CIC generations, creating API Providers wasn’t completely self-service. After creating and deploying the API Provider objects, the corresponding Routes and services had to be manually created in order to use the API Providers.
In the latest generation, you can create Endpoints from CIC Cockpit and start using the APIs (once the API Providers have been deployed).
These articles explain how to setup Endpoints based on the Authentication of the API Provider.
5. Changes to Asynchronous API behavior
In the latest CIC generation, we have changed the process of implementing Asynchronous APIs. The article below explains this new approach.
Using Long-running or Asynchronous Business Processes with a Web Service Provider
6. Changes to Logging Categories
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