Below is an example that shows how a D365 BC Connector Business Process can be used. The GetsalesOrders.bps (from the Connector Project) is used to retrieve sales orders from the D365 Business Central application setup. This is followed by a step (Ruleset) which then transforms the responses that are received. The steps below describe how to create this integration.
- Create a connector project.
- Create the integration project (CIC Project).
- Add the dependency of the Connector Project to the Integration Project
- Take these steps to perform an operation using the Connector BP and Schemas.
- Create a Business Process.
- Create a task in the above BP to include the BP from the connector project (i.e. GetsalesOrders.bps).
- Create another task in the BP to call the Ruleset that will map from JSON to any Cleo-supported schema. All the connector schemas (request and response) will be in JSON format.
In this Ruleset, the fields to be retrieved can be mapped (e.g. status, externalDocumentNumber etc.)
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