This article contains the following information related to APIs.
- Throttling Info
- Handling Errors
- Connector BP Task and Schema Reference
Throttling Information
To know more about the API limits for D365 BC endpoints please refer to
Handling Errors
In case the D365 BC Business Process (i.e. API call) is successful (returns status code between 200 & 300), the BP task will pass and return response payload (in Studio’s Admin Console perspective, in Auditor View the task is marked as completed)
In case the D365 BC Connector Business Process (API call) fails -any response status code not between 200 & 300 the BP task will fail without returning any response payload (in Studio’s Admin Console perspective, in Auditor View the task is marked as failed & error payload returned from D365 BC and stack trace are logged)
In case D365 BC Connector BP (API call) execution fails (which can be an internal error such as payload parse issue) task will fail without returning any response payload (in Studio’s Admin Console perspective, in Auditor View the task is marked as failed & stack trace is logged)
Connector Business Process Task and Schema Reference
Note that the BP and Schema reflect the actual entities selected during the creation of the connector.
The entities listed below are from D365 BC 20.5 (Platform 20.0.45448.47469 + Application 20.5.45456.45681)
Several System Entities (but not all) that form the Order to Cash Flow are listed here:
BP | Schema | D365 BC Entity | Use Case |
PostSalesOrder.bps PostSalesOrderSubform.bps |
PostSalesOrderRequest.jsonSchema PostSalesOrderResponse.jsonSchema PostSalesOrderSubformRequest.jsonSchema PostSalesOrderSubformResponse.jsonSchema |
SalesOrder SalesOrderSubform(Sales Order Lines) |
Creating a Sales Order and Sales Order Lines
PatchSalesOrder.bps PatchSalesOrderSubform.bps |
PatchSalesOrderRequest.jsonSchema PatchSalesOrderSubformRequest.jsonSchema |
SalesOrder SalesOrderSubform(Sales Order Lines) |
Updating a Sales Order and Sales Order Lines
GetPostedSalesInvoice.bps GetPostedSalesInvoices.bps GetPostedSalesInvoiceSubform.bps GetPostedSalesInvoicesSubform.bps |
GetPostedSalesInvoiceResponse.jsonSchema GetPostedSalesInvoicesResponse.jsonSchema GetPostedSalesInvoiceSubformResponse.jsonSchema GetPostedSalesInvoicesSubformResponse.jsonSchema |
PostedSalesInvoice PostedSalesInvoices PostedSalesInvoiceSubform PostedSalesInvoicesSubform |
Retrieving the Sales Invoices and Sales Invoice lines
GetPostedSalesShipment.bps GetPostedSalesShipments.bps GetPostedSalesShptSubform.bps |
GetPostedSalesShipmentResponse.jsonSchema GetPostedSalesShipmentsResponse.jsonSchema GetPostedSalesShptSubformResponse.jsonSchema |
PostedSalesShipment PostedSalesShipments PostedSalesShptSubform |
Retrieving Sales Shipment and Sales Shipment Lines
GetItemCard.bps | GetItemCardResponse.jsonSchema | ItemCard |
Retrieving Item
PostItemCard.bps | PostItemCardRequest.jsonSchema PostItemCardResponse.jsonSchema |
ItemCard |
Creating an Item
PatchItemCard.bps | PatchtItemCardRequest.jsonSchema | ItemCard |
Updating an Item
GetItemReferences.bps | GetItemReferencesResponse.jsonSchema | ItemReferences |
Retrieving Item Reference
PostItemReferences.bps | PostItemReferencesRequest.jsonSchema PostItemReferencesResponse.jsonSchema |
ItemReferences |
Creating an Item Reference
PatchItemReferences.bps | PatchtItemReferencesRequest.jsonSchema | ItemReferences |
Updating an Item Reference
GetItemLedgerEntries.bps | GetItemLedgerEntriesResponse.jsonSchema | ItemLedgerEntries |
Retrieving Item Ledger Entries
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