These steps are required before using the D365 X12 Accelerator. They include the configuration of:
Configure Reference tables
- Configure the Cleo-provided Reference Table using the steps below. Refer to Viewing and Editing Reference Tables in CIC Cockpit for additional details.
- Run the CreateD365BCPartnerRefTableBPS.bps. This can be found in
(package) incom.cleo._customer_.booster.d365bc
(project).When the setup process ends successfully, a new table
is created in the CIC Cockpit. Note: You must next manually add the Trading Partner name, ID, and Sell to Customer ID to the corresponding customer records. The table below describes the columns.Column Name Description Trading partner name Captures the partner name with which the partner would be identified. Trading Partner ID Captures the EDI X12 ID assigned to a partner. For example, an 850 X12 TP document's Sender ID would be the trading partner id (located in ISA06). Sell to Customer ID ID assigned by D365 BC for the customer entity record.
Warehouse Location Captures location code assigned to a particular warehouse in D365 BC. Partner Type Indicates whether the partner is a customer or a warehouse entry. Refer to the Auditor logs in the CIC Studio to verify setup has been completed successfully. These logs display step details. If there are errors or issues (driver or connection issues for example), they will be displayed in the logs; the user would take corrective action, and then run this process again.
- Run the CreateLocationCardTableBPS.bps. This can be found in
(package) incom.cleo._customer_.booster.d365bc
(project).When the setup process ends successfully, a new table
is created in the CIC Cockpit. - Run the LocationCardBPS. This can be found in
(package) incom.cleo._customer_.booster.d365bc
(project).Note: You must next manually add the Location_Code, Name, Address, Address_2, City, County, Post_Code, and County_Region_Code to the corresponding customer records from the BC entity: LocationCard.
The table below describes the columns.
Column Name Description Location Code
Captures the warehouse or distribution center location code where items are handled and stored before being sold. Name Specifies the warehouse or distribution center name assigned in D365 BC locationCard entity.
Address Address line 1 for the warehouse or distribution center.
Address_2 Denotes the additional address information for the warehouse or distribution center. City City name of the warehouse or distribution center location. County State code for the location. Post_Code Zip code of the warehouse or distribution center location. County_Region_Code Country/region of the address. E.g., ‘US’ for USA. - Run CreateItemReferencesTableBPS.bps.This is found in (package)
in (project)com.cleo._customer_.booster.d365bc
. To verify if the setup is complete, refer to the auditor logs, which display start and completed step details. If there are errors or issues (driver or connection issues for example), they will be displayed in the logs; the user would take corrective action, and then run this process again.When the setup process ends successfully, a new table
is created in the CIC Cockpit.Note: You must next manually add the Item_No, Variant_Code, Unit_of_Measure, Reference_Type, Reference_Type_No, Reference_No, Description, and Description_2 to the corresponding customer records. The table below describes the columns.
Column Name Description Item_No Captures the item number with which the item would be identified. Variant_Code Defines the unique code assigned to each item variant. Unit_of_Measure The unit used to measure the item entity record. Reference_Type Denotes the partner type i.e. whether the item belongs to Vendor or Customer. Reference_Type_No The unique reference number assigned to each Vendor or Customer in D365BC. Reference_No The unique reference number assigned to each Item Variant for either Vendor or Customer in D365BC. Description The item description for Items in D365 BC. Description_2 Any additional description for the Item. - Run CreateScacBPS.bps.This is found in (package)
in (project)com.cleo._customer_.booster.d365bc
. To verify if the setup is complete, refer to the auditor logs, which display step details. If there are errors or issues (driver or connection issues for example), they will be displayed in the logs; the user would take corrective action, and then run this process again.When the setup process ends successfully, a new table
is created in the CIC Cockpit. - Run ShippingAgentsBPS. This is found in (package)
in (project)com.cleo._customer_.booster.d365bc
.Note: You must next manually add the Shipping_agent_code, Name, Package_tracking_URL, and SCAC_code to the corresponding customer records from the BC entity ShippingAgents. The table below describes the columns.
Column Name Description Shipping_agent_code Captures the shipping agent code with which the shipping agent would be identified in D365 BC. Name Specifies the shipping agent's name or description. Package_tracking_URL The URL for the shipping agent's package tracking system. SCAC_Code Standard Carrier Alpha Code. A unique 2 to 4-letter code used to identify carriers and transportation companies.
Configure Staging Database
Follow these steps to configure the Cleo-provided staging database.
- Deploy the
project. - Run com.cleo.cic.util.processes.CreateStagingDataV2TableBPS to create the required table. To verify if the setup is complete, refer to your Auditor logs, which will display both starting and completed step information. Errors or issues (e.g. driver, connection issues) will be noted in the logs. If this occurs, then corrective action should be taken before running the process again.
Configure Global Variables
Configuration to certain Global Variables is required.
- D365BCVault:- This variable contains the vault entry name assigned to the D365BC connector.
- SleepInterval: This variable contains the sleep time ( in milliseconds ). This timer is used to retry certain APIs that are throttled.
- companyName: This variable should store the company name of the organization tied to the sales order transactions.
- HttpErrorCodesToBeIgnoredForTicketCreation: This is used to identify HTTP error codes that need to be flagged as ‘successful job flows’ in the Cockpit. If not mentioned here, the error codes would be flagged as failed jobs in the cockpit. In case a D365 BC API request is throttled (i.e with HTTP 429 Too Many Requests error ), the execution waits as per the time period configured in the SleepInterval global variable and the API request is made again. Since we have a retry logic for throttled requests implemented in the accelerator, these jobs need not be marked as failures, and hence this global variable is configured with the default value of throttling error code (429).
- B2BCloudGV: Configure the B2BCloudAdminEmail (receiver) and B2BCloudHostEmail (sender) variables in com.cleo.b2bcloud.core.B2BCloudGV. These are resolved during failures; email notifications will be triggered.
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