The CIC Cockpit provides you with a list of your Partners. Partners are added to this list the very first time they are included in a message processed by the CIC Console. The list is updated dynamically. The information displayed on the list includes each partner’s name, ID, and the users who have access to the partner.
To display the list, go to Network > Partners. From here, you can either work directly on the list or drill down into information about a single partner.
Note: The Network > Partners page is available to Users with a Normal role who also have "access to integration" permissions. See Controlling Data Access and User Permissions.
Working directly from the Partner list
You can do the following directly from this screen:
- Edit Partner name and user permissions
- Add a Partner
- Delete one or more Partners
You can update a partner’s name, update the list of users who have access to a given partner's data, and add a partner. When you select a single partner, the Update Trading Partner Name, Update Trading Partner Permissions, and Delete Partner buttons are enabled. When you select more than one partner, only the Update Trading Partner Permissions and Delete Partner buttons are enabled. When no partners are selected, the Add Partner button is displayed and enabled.
Editing a Partner's name
- On the Partner List screen, select a check box for a partner.
- Click the Update Trading Partner Name button to display the Rename dialog box.
- Enter a new value in the Partner Name field and click Rename.
Updating the List of Users with Permissions
Note: This functionality is only available to Admin users.
- On the Partner List screen, select one or more check boxes for partners.
- Click the Update Trading Partner Permissions button to display the Edit Access dialog box.
- Select or clear a check box to toggle access to this partner for that user.
For a given user, the Activity page and the Messages page will display data from only the partners to which they have access.
Adding a Partner
Typically, a partner is created in CIC when the first message to or from the partner flows through CIC. However, you can explicitly add a partner from the Network > Partner page. By default, Admin users are granted access to all partners added in this way. In addition, users can be invited to access a new partner with either a partner user or a normal user role. See Inviting Users.
- Go to the Network > Partner page.
- Click the Add Partner button to display the New Partner page.
- Enter values for the Partner Name and Partner ID.
The value you enter for Partner ID must be unique across all partners of the current tenant. CIC will throw an error if you try to enter an existing partner ID.You can use the following special characters in the Partner ID field:
- = > < . : ! @
Using other special characters will display an error message. This includes blank spaces.
- Click Save.
The new partner is added to the Partners page.
Deleting a Partner
When you delete a partner, it is removed from the Partner List screen and its activity is removed from the Activity pages.
- Select one or more check boxes for partners.
- Click the Delete Trading Partner button. The Delete Partners confirmation dialog displays.
- Click Delete. The selected Partner is deleted.
Effects of deleting a Partner
Deleting a partner affects other information displayed throughout the CIC Cockpit. In addition, the effect on visible information differs according to your permissions and user role (for example, Admin user, Normal user, or Partner user).
In general, when you delete a partner, the following applies:
- The Activity > Partners page does show charts for deleted partners. See Viewing Partner Activity from the Partner list and Viewing Partner Activity.
- You cannot assign users the Partner role for deleted partners using the Admin > User page. See Managing Users.
- If a deleted partner is one of the Top 3 Partners included on the Current Issues chart on the Activity > Dashboard page, that partner is removed from that chart. However, the deleted partner's data is still included in other count-based and aggregate-based charts.
- If there is a User with a Partner role defined and the partner is deleted, the User is also deleted. See Controlling Data Access and User Permissions.
In addition, for Admin users, the following also applies:
- When a partner is deleted, messages associated with the deleted partner are still visible on the Activity > Messages page in both Tile View and List View, but the tpname and tpid fields (and associated "tool tip" info) are greyed out. In the Context View, the tpname field is greyed out, and "tool tip" info is available.
- On the Messages page, the filtering criteria list displayed when you click the Browse... link for the Partners contains deleted partners, but they are greyed out.
- When you download data as CSV from the Activity > Messages, the resulting file has a new column, “isPartnerDeleted”, where TRUE indicates the partner associated with the message in that row was deleted.
Drilling Down into a Single Partner's Information
You can drill down into a single partner for centralized access to various types of data for that partner directly from the Network > Partner page. Click a partner ID link to display the following tabs for that partner:
Viewing Partner Activity from the Partner list
The Activity tab is displayed by default when you click the Partner ID link. This page is also accessible from the Activity page. See Viewing Partner Activity.
Updating a Partner Profile
Click the Profile tab to display it. On this tab, you can update the Partner's name and view the Partner's ID. <>
Working with Users for this Partner
Click the Users tab to display a list of Partner users associated with the selected partner. Updates you make to Partner users on this list are reflected on the Admin > Users page.
Note: Only non-admin users are shown (as Admin users will have access to all partners by default).
If there are no existing Partner users, the following landing page displays. Click the Add New button to add a new partner.
Otherwise, click the Add button or an existing User to edit the User's profile.
Click the Add button to create a new user for this partner.
Click the Delete button to remove the selected user.
Working with Endpoints for this Partner
Click the Endpoints tab to display a list of the Endpoints associated with the selected partner.
When you select an endpoint already attached to the Trading Partner, its details are displayed and you can edit them. See Editing Endpoints. In addition, you can enable or disable, detach, or delete the currently displayed endpoint.
Note: Any updates (that is, adding, deleting, enabling, or disabling) you make to Endpoints here are also reflected on the Network > Endpoint page.
Attaching a new or existing Endpoint
Attaching an Endpoint to a Trading Partner enables certain future analytics capabilities in the CIC Cockpit. A user who has permission to create and access Endpoints can create, view, and edit Endpoints in the Trading Partner Screen.
To attach an endpoint to the selected Trading Partner, you can either create a new endpoint or select an existing endpoint.
If the partner already has one or more Endpoints attached, you can use the Add/Select menu.
Adding a new Endpoint
When you click the Add button, the New Endpoint page displays. See Creating an Endpoint for details.
Selecting an existing Endpoint
When you click the Select button, Select an Endpoint page displays.
Select the check box for each Endpoint you want to attach to the Partner and click Save.
The selected Endpoints are attached to the Partner and is added to the list of Endpoints on the left side of the page.
Note: You cannot select Transformation Endpoints, API_Provider Endpoints, or Endpoints that are already attached to the selected Partner.
Enabling and Disabling an Endpoint
Use the Enable switch to enable or disable the selected Endpoint. The state of any Endpoint you enable or disable here is also reflected on the Network > Endpoints page.
Note: The Enable switch is only available if the selected Trading Partner is the only partner attached to the Endpoint. If an Endpoint is attached to multiple Trading Partners, the Enable switch is not available and you cannot enable or disable the Endpoint.
Detaching an Endpoint
Use the Detach button to detach an endpoint from the Partner. To detach an Endpoint from a Trading Partner, you must either have an Admin role or be the creator of the Endpoint.
Deleting an Endpoint
When you delete an Endpoint, it is detached from all partners and deleted from the system. Use the Delete button to delete the selected Endpoint.
Note: If an Endpoint is attached to multiple Trading Partners, the Delete button is not available and you cannot delete the Endpoint.
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