A search request is performed on D365 SCM to look for any unprocessed shipment records. If a record is found, it is analyzed and the matching outbound route is searched. If there is a match, the D365 SCM ItemFulfillment XML is translated to an EDI 856, and sent to the Trading Partner (TP).
This section explains the configuration to integrate D365 SCM to retrieve the shipment records and transform the same to EDI X12 856 format for the TP integration.
How to Configure
- Configure the Process Schedulers: LaunchD365ScmAsnPS is scheduled to run every hour; adjust if necessary.
- Configure D365 SCM:
If the shipment record will be converted to EDI and then sent to the trading partners from all the available item fulfillments in the D365 SCM, then these custom fields must be configured with appropriate values.
- Configure Outbound Route:
- The Customer account id mentioned in the shipment source payload is used to identify which TP the 856 will be sent to.
- The Customer account id is used in the look-up against the table "D365_SCM_Partners" to find the TP name.
If the TP name does not match the ‘tpname’ while creating the project using the Wizard, you must update the Outbound Route to reflect the matching name in _TP_856v4010OR - in the com.cleo._customer_.d365scm._tp_.outbound.n856.v4010 package
- Configure the Enveloper: 856 envelope details and TP Endpoint (to which the 856 will be sent) must be configured in _TP_856v4010ENV - in the trading partner project under the com.cleo._customer_.d365scm._tp_.outbound.n856.v4010 package.
By default, the Customer name and the TP Name entered in the Wizard property file have been added to the sender and receiver id respectively. If there are any changes to the enveloping details, the same object has to be updated.
How to Run the Flow
- Before proceeding, ensure that the following Projects have been deployed. If any of these Projects are already deployed and remain unmodified, there is no need to redeploy them. Similarly, if any of these Projects were not checked out to your Workspace, they can be skipped from the deployment process.
- Run the flow either manually or automatically:
- Manually run the process flow by launching LaunchD365ScmAsnBPS.bps.
- Automatically run LaunchD365ScmAsnPS.sched to kick off automatically based on the interval specified.
- Monitor the flow
- Log Entries (Studio Auditor)
- Message Tiles (Cockpit)
- Jobs (Cockpit)
- Dashboard > Charts (Cockpit)
In case of errors, a ticket is generated and information is visible in the Message and Job views in CIC Cockpit.
For Outbound EDI validation use cases, see Validation Rules in the Transformation Settings object.
How to Customize
- Change the interval at which Item Fulfillments are retreived from the D365 SCM. The LaunchD365ScmAsnPS scheduler - in the com.cleo._customer_.d365scm._tp_.outbound.n856.v4010 package is currently configured to retrieve shipment records every hour. Adjust per your requirements.
- Add more details from the D365scm Shipment to the X12 856. The values being mapped are documented in the Integration Design Spec template - in the com.cleo._customer_.edid365scm project under docs folder.
Note: If additional fields are required, you must update the ruleset _TP_856v4010RS - in the com.cleo._customer_.d365scm._tp_.outbound.n856.v4010 package.
Contact Cleo support if you need any assistance while adding additional rules.
Note: If modifying the ASN source schema, you must also modify the corresponding Dynamics365AsnAwh.xsd- located in the com.cleo._customer_.booster.d365scm/xsd package. Next, you must then update ASNOBJ.xml.objSchema - located in the same package - to reflect the changes.
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