A search request is performed on NetSuite to look for Grocery Invoice records for a particular item. If a matching record is found, it is parsed and the matching outbound route is searched. If there is a matching outbound route, data is translated to EDI 880 and sent to the trading partner.
This section explains how to configure the integration to retrieve the grocery invoice records and transform them to EDI X12 880 format for the Trading Partner.
How to Configure
- Configure Schedulers: LaunchNetsuiteGroceryInvoiceBPS residing in com.cleo._customer_.booster.netsuite.groceryinvoice is scheduled to run every hour. Refer to Creating and Defining Process Schedules for details.
- Configure the Outbound Route: The Customer_Name is used to identify the trading partner to whom the Grocery Invoice records are to be sent.
- Configure the enveloper: The X12 880 envelope details and the trading partner Endpoint to which the X12 880 is to be sent should be configured in _TP_880v4010ENV (residing in the trading partner project under com.cleo._customer_.netsuite._tp_.outbound.n880.v4010 package.) By default, the Customer name and the TP Name entered in the Wizard property file are added to the sender and receiver id, respectively. If there are any changes to the enveloping details, the same object must be updated.
Prerequisites - Folder IDs and Names, Global Variables
After configuring the outbound 880 flow, the following prerequisites must be met before running.
- Folder Internal IDs. The Folder internal IDs being used in the Saved Search Scripts must be modified per the customer’s instance internal ID. The saved search script ID used is customscript_cleo_sch_880_go_script.
- Folder name in saved document search. In addition to updating folder internal IDs, you must update the folder name under the criteria tab in the saved document search so that it points to the appropriate transaction folder name. The saved search ID used is customsearch_cleo_ss_880_getcsvfile.
- Configure Global Variables with Archive Folder Internal ID. Global Variables must be initialized with the internal ID of the archival folder as per the customer instance. For this flow, update the Global Variable for GroceryInvoiceArchiveFolder.
Please see specific details for updating the NetSuite script for the steps noted above.
How to Run Flow
- Before proceeding, ensure that the following Projects have been deployed. If any of these Projects are already deployed and remain unmodified, there is no need to redeploy them. Similarly, if any of these Projects were not checked out to your Workspace, they can be skipped from the deployment process.
- Run the flow. Do one of the following:
- Manually run the flow: Start LaunchNetsuiteGroceryInvoiceBPS. See Starting Objects for details on how to launch a BPS manually.
- Automatically run the flow: LaunchNetsuiteGroceryInvoicePS will kick off automatically based on the interval specified and the flow is triggered.
- Monitor the flow using:
- Log Entries (Studio Auditor)
- Message Tile View (Cockpit)
- Jobs View (Cockpit)
- Dashboard > Charts (Cockpit)
In case of errors:
- A ticket is generated and information is also visible in the Message Tile view and Job view in CIC Cockpit.
Example of Cockpit error message tile
Example of Cockpit error job
- For Outbound EDI validation use cases, see Validation Rules in the Transformation Settings object.
How to Customize
- Change the intervals of retrieving transaction Purchase Order, Return Authorization, and Transfer Order from NetSuite.
The LaunchNetsuiteGroceryInvoicePS scheduler residing in com.cleo._customer_.booster.netsuite.grocery.invoice package is configured to retrieve Inventory every 1 hour. Change the schedule to run more frequently or less frequently. See Creating and Defining Process Schedules.
- Add more details to the X12 880 from the NetSuite Grocery Invoice.
The values being mapped are documented in the LMS Template present in com.cleo._customer_.edinetsuite project under the docs folder. However, if you wish to add any additional fields, update the ruleset _TP_880v4010RS present in com.cleo._customer_.netsuite._tp_.outbound.n880.v4010 package as required.
Contact Cleo Support for assistance when adding Rules.
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