The Netsuite Customizations are bundled in a sandbox environment. Support must be requested to get this bundle shared to the customer’s instance by providing the Account ID. Refer to the steps to install the bundle in the Customer instance.
The internal IDs being used in the Saved Search Scripts will have to be modified as per the customer’s instance internal IDs. Refer to this example of changing the internal id in the saved search script.
The global variables have to be initialized with the internal ID of the archival folder. The internal IDs of the folders vary depending on the customer’s instance. For example:
Deploy the com.cleo._customer_.edi.accelerator.netsuite, com.cleo.b2bcloud.core and com.cleo.cic.connector.netsuite Projects.
Run the following: CreatePartnerRefTableBPS, CreateNetsuiteStagingDataTableBPS, CreateNetsuiteItemReferenceBPS,and CreateCountryCodeRefTableBPS.
To verify if the setup is complete, refer to the auditor logs. They will display starting step & completed step information. In case of any issues (such as driver issues or connection issues), these would display in the auditor logs, in which case you must take necessary corrective action before running the BPS again.
If the process ends successfully, the following tableswill be visible in the Cockpit: partners and NetSuite_Item_References. (In the integrations tab under the Reference tables section)
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